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ESP Merging


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Hello, Skyrim is 3 yrs old, I'm still plugged in to it :) I want to thanks the modding community for the amazing job you all have done. But again Skyrim is 3 yrs old and new mods keep coming up but the sad thing is the ESP cap. So I was thinking, is it possible to merge ESP's? For example, the amazing armors of Dreamburrow's, Brokefoot mash-ups etc. If it is possible, can it be done also for Elianora's housing mods? Cause lets face it, she's done amazing houses :D and there's also a few single companion mods I would like to merge from the same mod author >=) I hope it can be done

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You can merge mods. TES5Edit is the tool to do that. There are scripts to help automate the process. I've never had a need to do it so I do not know any of the particulars (never had more than about 60 mods at one time). I do know that certain types of mods cannot or should not be merged.


You can also find some released mods that are compilations of other mods. For example the UNP versions of Brokefoot's mods plus many more stuff are conveniently "merged" inside of UNP Clothing Merchants.

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I do know that certain types of mods cannot or should not be merged.

Pretty much anything that uses scripts (or changes them) should not be merged. I've not tested this myself, but I've heard many people have had problems using TES5Edit on mods that rely on scripts. Another thing is to avoid merging mods that modify the same stuff. It's not uncommon to have a few different city mods that might change the same reference for example, and merging them will probably cause one change to overwrite the other, and it might not be the best one. In those cases, using the load order for one mod to overwrite the changes of another is much preferred unless you know exactly what parts to keep from each mod.

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This script for TES5Edit automates the merging process, and most things that don't use scripts can be merged. I've used it to combine standalone armors before, though I haven't tried using it for things that use scripts like Convenient Horses or RND or things like that.

Edited by TimeLadyKatie
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