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Some needs to make a freaking awesome home! i have the under water home wich is pretty awesome but i want some crazzy extravagent home!! and new quests! it seems like everyone is focusing on guns and armor! build some awesome quests and homes! or some new creatures to pick fights with! do some of the stuff that has been done on like oblivion remove the map boundrys make a completly new explorable map! heres an idea that my friend had, say that the brotherhood of steel has to go back west or somthing and as they are flying over some mountians theyre vertabird gets shot down, its a quest that goes into like the native american area u cud make like laser bow weapons and some cool indian power armor with like a head dress and what not i think thatd b a pretty sweet quest but ya in the begining they culd take all ur stuff away and ud be their prisioner and then theire vilage gets raided or somthing by another tribe so u gota escape and help one of the sides and u culd try to make it where u ride on a horse in part of the quest, just a few ideas. but back to the house thing sumone shuld make a floating house or somthing where u culd see the ground and jump and fall to it thatd be cool. :ninja:
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for starters it's a crowded wasteland... hard to find spots at times to build new stuff (one reason I keep tinkering with underground locations)


Though I am considering a major mod that puts in an offshore island home (but makes it really hard to do a fast travel there... but works like point lookout)


Though right now I am looking at the area behind rivet city... might set up a house mod of some sort back there and already have a couple up (Bunker Gamma Four is kinda on hold for a bit as i work on the story parts, and silo house is being tweaked a good bit [likely using some of what I did there in BGF] )


But my next house mod of sorts is definitely going to be simple as well... but with lots of surprises.

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