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Converting clothes


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Im very new to all this and for starters, I do not plan to make clothing, or body's or any kind of weapons or armour.

tho I might release a mod if you guys can help me out with the following If I can get the permission from the makers.


So.. I looked at some clothing I wanted to download specifically for HGEC now all I see is D cup or H cup and very little on A, AA, B, and C.


I would like to convert them to make them wearable with the other meshes and with the proper texturing, so that the clothing is on their chests and not that is just hangs loose, OR that your body magically changes as you put it on!


Is this possible? and if so please help me out and post instructions here or a tutorial! It would be highly appreciated!


Some more info : I looked for a full day to find tutorials or guides how to do this and I have not found any.. most of them are to use blender and to make your own armour or weapons, which is not what I intend to do. If I missed such a tutorial I apologise, but I have looked thought 20 pages of General mod talk, and also looked at the mod discussion and the other sections and have not found one... Either its extremely easy and im just too stupid to figure it out, Or its very difficult and complicated and nobody can be bothered to make a guide...


I have VERY basic knowledge about Nifskope but ive heard that its able to convert it to another HGEC size in like 2 minutes, so I tried to learn some Nifskope stuff but it was very complicated and all the information the tutorials gave me wasnt the information that I needed...


Never the less I learned how to copy branches and paste them. :o


Im terribly sorry if my noob ness is a bother to people and I hope that they can put up with it. :D





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Paku; I might have got this wrong, but as far as I am aware, if the clothing is for the HGEC body, cup size & lower body size is irrelevant... with HGEC installed, the females body will, as you put it, magically change shape to fit the clothes. Especially with clothing specifically designed for HGEC, I've noticed no problems. Of course, that might just be me being a lucky sonofagun.



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Well maybe I explained it wrong. :o


For example I downloaded Diana's armor, when I play with a character that has an A cup and M legs, as soon as I put the armor on, My character will be a D cup and a LL character. I want to convert that armor so it fits to an A cup with a M. ^^

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Ahhh.... with you now. Hmm, converting them in nifskope would seem to be the way to go, but I'm no expert with that myself. If someone else can't help you and you're really stuck I'll have a play around. I do have it somewhere from when I was doing a bit of playing around.



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I don't think nifskope will be enough, you'll need a modelling program as well, like Blender or 3DMax. The clothes meshes won't automatically become smaller if you put a smaller body under them.

Here's the guide on body change. I can only assume that it's easier when you only need to change size, not the general body type, but myself I haven't yet grasped it fully.



Oh, you'll need to register, but that's all.

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Ouch...that tutorial gets painful really quick and doesn't need to be.


When he starts talking about manipulating the cuirass to protrude outward to cover the skin, it looks like he is doing it in a very painful manner which causes UV texture stretching problems.


When you need to pull a bunch of verts in certain directions...especially on two sides, it is best to make use of "Proportional" editing. Turn on the proportional toggle, set your area of effect size and simply grab a single vertice (and the same vert on the opposite side if you need to affect it in a mirror-like way. Then grab the vertice and move it along the X, Y or Z axis. It makes this kind of work MUCH easier than what this tutorial is describing (for that part).


It is an excellent overall tutorial but the advent of proportional editing is a godsend for this type of stuff. :thumbsup:



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thanks a lot for the comments guys! I am going to try it all out and let you guys know if it worked or not ^^


Edit : just saw that you need a basic knowledge of Blender/Nifskope and GIMP o.o this is gonna be hard for me to do I think xD but I suppose a challenge is what makes something fun. :o

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Oh yes, it's slightly hard for me too. I actually managed to do the resising part in Blender, not much hard on itself, but got seriously stuck getting those items back. But the first line there says - there's no easy way. So I'm off reading manuals as well.
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