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Fade Set


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Hi .. I use bag of holding mod and to make a long story short - i lost everything in it.I dont mind loosing eveything thats kinda make everything alittle fresh and harder but i do mind loosing a set of armor i had there as you guessed it...the Fade Set...so my question is this - is there anyway to get it back (via console or not) even if i killed Uldred?
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The best way to recover it would be to create a clean save, with the mod uninstalled.

Uninstall your fade set mod and any other mod items that you lost.

go into game and load your last save. It MAY give you a message saying that it cant load because such and such is missing. Tell it to force the load.

Once it's loaded, save the game under a NEW save, with a different filename. Something like "Savegame Clean" or whatever.

After you've done that, shut down the game, reinstall the mods that you lost, and then load up your cleaned save. They should show back up ;)

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Hehe thanks alot for the reply - but i dont think you understand...ill explain better:

After I killed Uldred he dropped this set of armor "Fade Armor" which is not a mod. now I put the set and some other crap in the Bag of Holding containder wich IS a mod.I sold the bag of holding to Buddah(the merchant in camp) and I did some quests.When i finished it and I went to get the bag back from buddah - eveything in it was missin,inculding the Fade set, so my questiong is this - Is there anyway to get it again with a console command like "runscript give_19283" or something like that?

or maybe I can play around with the toolset or something...

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You should NEVER sell the BagOfHolding and NEVER put it in a chest!


It will only work correctly, if it stays in your inventory :)


To get your items back, just load a save game before you have selled the Bag to Bhodan. All should be in the Bag, that was in it at this time.





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There is no built-in script to give you a specific item. To get the armor back will require a bit of modding, but it's fairly easy modding.


1. Open you toolset and find the resource names of the items you lost.

1 1/2. create a new module. The name of the module doesn't matter, it's just really a placeholder. (just name it something easy to remember).

2. Create a new script, and past this in it:


void main() {

CreateItemOnObject(R"blackhelm.uti", OBJECT_SELF, 1, "", TRUE);


CreateItemOnObject(R"blackchest.uti", OBJECT_SELF, 1, "", TRUE);


CreateItemOnObject(R"blackboot.uti", OBJECT_SELF, 1, "", TRUE);


CreateItemOnObject(R"blackglove.uti", OBJECT_SELF, 1, "", TRUE);


3. Change the words blackgloves, blackchest, blackboot, and blacglove to the resource names of the fade armor pieces.

4. Save the script, then export it (export without dependant resources).

5. In windows, go to the folder that you exported your script to (the toolset tells you where it exported the script). There should be 2 files there. One is a NSS file, the other a NCS file. Move the NCS file to your override folder (packages\core\override).

6. In game, use the console to run the script (runscript <your script name>).


That should give you the items.

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