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Quest Tutorial


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EDIT: I'm totally changing this topic. The quest tutorial link from the official forums will still be in the post, I just advice you to use mine instead, since the tutorial from the official forums has mistakes in it, so it won't work. If you are somehow still interested, that tutorial is here


My quest tutorial can be found here


For more tutorials, look at the Tutorial Page from the CS wiki site, or the Tutorial Section from Tessource itself.

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2 pins in 8 days? Boy i'm good. :P


Anyway, I made the quest the way the tutorial told me. It almost works perfectly, but there is still one little mistake in it. Probably made by me, the tutorial is fine. I understand the stages thing much better now, so stuff will go much faster next time. But I will keep using the tutorial ;)

Byebye scroll based mods and hello journal!

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  • 1 month later...
The first post has been updated, for the quest had a mistake in it. When you obtained the item, the topic would disappear from the npc's topic list.
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  • 1 month later...
The first post has been updated, for the quest had a mistake in it. When you obtained the item, the topic would disappear from the npc's topic list.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I just saw there is going to be a tutorial section for Tessource. I assume this is for the Construction Set tutorials... I'm writing my own Quest tutorial now, which could be used instead of the one I linked to in my first post. I'll post it in that tutorial section, and link to it from here. The tutorial itself will be finished today or tomorrow...


It's really funny.. When I started this thread I had NO IDEA how the quest system worked. It gave me an headache. And now i'm writing a tutorial for it ^^


EDIT: It's still "today" and i'm at 3/4 of the tutorial now. I'm sick of it now and will finish it tomorrow.


EDIT 2: Finished and uploaded. Check first post.

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