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Weapon VFX Remover update for DAO v1.02


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First off I'll note that there is this mod which I recall worked perfectly months ago when I was playing DAO. But now it doesn't work with the recent patches.


I use weapons with spirit damage, and it's extremely annoying that it creates a blue tinted light source at the weapons, making me and everything around me glow blue. It's particularly annoying during conversations.

Best case scenario imo would be if someone knows how to simply remove the light sources from enchanted weapons. I don't mind the cool effect enchanted weapons have, I just hate that the added light source makes everything else around it bright colors too.


If anyone knows how to remove light sources, or even just create an update of the mod I mentioned that would work with v1.02, I would be incredibly grateful!

Frankly, the DA Toolset scares the crap out of me.



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I'd actually been trying to use it with v1.02


I just updated to v1.03 yesterday, and all my mods (I use 15+) and DLC are still working just fine. I'm not sure why other people are having complications with the new patch.

I'll just consider myself lucky. :happy:


I'd rather not roll back to v1.0 just for one seemingly simple mod. So if anyone has any ideas, perhaps places I could look in the toolset, I'd still really appreciate it.

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Thanks for the replies.


I should have mentioned that I'd also already tried using the Dragon Age Mutator 014, and it also no longer works.

I just tried it again on v1.03 to the same effect.


Any other ideas out there?

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