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How to "convert" ECE files to RaceMenu/CharGen?


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I recently discovered the "Familiar Faces" mod and I immediately tried to get it working


Well, I managed to somewhat accomplish that, but the problem was my characters' faces were made using ECE and of course the CME files are NOT compatible with RaceMenu.


It'd take a long time to re-create my characters from scratch in Racemenu, meanwhile on the nexus I see some people have presets made with a ECE compatible file and a RM/Chargen, additionally a friend of mine claims that it's possible to convert but has no clue how to do so


Does anyone familiar with this kind of thing know if what I ask is possible? Or do I just have to suck it up and try to re-create every character in Racemenu again?

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  • 2 years later...

Okay to do this you just have to install race menu, when you save (record) your characters story it will automatically generate a Race Menu Preset of said character. Or you can install race menu, load the character you want to use as a follower hit the tilde (~) key type "showracemenu" (no quotes) click the presets tab hit F5 to export give it a name... done


Hope that helps


-jynx out

Edited by jynx474
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