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Combine Lord Harkon, Queen Potema, and Malkorum (Dawnguard, Wolf Queen, and Dawnbreaker Quest)


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I think an awesome idea for a mod would be to have the option of having Queen Potema, Malkorum, the Necromancer who defiled Meridia's Temple, and Harkon all working together. I don't know if it should be voiced or how it would work if it was or wasn't voiced with actors, but the idea I have is that something summons them all together. Maybe they all meet in Oblivion after they die, and ally with each other to escape. Perhaps they have outside help to escape the plane of Oblivion.


I'm hoping that this new mod, if it is made, would include a map the size of a Skyrim hold, or maybe the Falmer lands shown in Dawnguard. Dovahkiin discovers that the two necromancers, and Harkon work together to find a magical artifact that would activate the Ritual Stone over White Run, near the Troll Cave. The Ritual Stone would awaken all undead in Skyrim, and potentially all of Nirn, and enslave them to the three sorcerer's wills.


If such a thing could happen, it could make Harkon's failed attempt to blot out the Sun look like the childish antics of a street urchin in comparison.

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