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Followers vs. Companions - Other

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Hey people,


Introduction: I can't tell you what has gotten into me lately but for some reason I started paying more attention to categories and such on this site recently (which is what inspired this suggestion).


Question: That being said, I have a question. What is the difference between a mod that would go in Followers and one that would go in Companions - Other?


Well, since mods can sometimes technically go in more than one section, I guess a better question would be what is the difference between the two sections?


Clarification: I am not saying there is no difference, I am just asking because I am unable to figure out the difference(s) on my own.


There is a section called "Companion Creatures" which leads me to believe that Companions - Other would be human companions basically and Followers would cover any follower human or otherwise so it seems redundant to me.


This question is just out of curiosity and is not to imply anything, btw.

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'Followers' is a newer category and most of the mods in 'Companions-Other' should be placed there. However, it seems, so many modders are used to placing their mods into 'Companions-Other' there will always be redundant.


The simple answer is, both are the same, just different. :wallbash:

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Yeah, I figured it would always be there whether it was redundant or not. I guess I was just making sure I wasn't missing the differences if there were any.


Thanks for the reply.

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