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Stargate Mod with a full storyline


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Ok, so i know there are Stargate mods out there, and i admit i haven't really tried them, though i have looked into them, from what I've seen, the two that i have found are interesting but don't really incorporate the part's of Stargate that i would like to see in Skyrim. While i am a developer and would love to make this mod myself, i don't think i would have the time to do it all myself, though maybe with some help it could be made


So here's my (probably ridiculous) idea for a Stargate mod story:

While traveling through Whiterun you are approached by four people dressed in SGC outfits equipped with modern human weapons (I believe they usually used MP5's in the series didn't they?), they ask you if you are the Dragonborn, when you tell them you are, they explain that they are SG-26 (why 26? because in the show's the highest number SG team was SG-25, by adding a 26, we can create brand new characters with custom voice acting), they explain that they are from another planet called Earth, and they came through a device known as the Stargate, though its probably known as something different on Nirn. They came in search of a device they call the a Zero Point Module (or ZPM for short) in the hopes of using it to power ancient technology on they're planet.

You ask them what makes them think this ZPM is in Skyrim, they explain that they heard rumors of a planet that contained magic and dragons and many other amazing things, form previous experience in the SGC they believed this was evidence of ancient technology, or possibly a full ancient civilization, they're still not sure weather or not Skyrim is really an ancient civilization, though they are fairly sure that the "magic" in skyrim is basically the result of most of the population in Skyrim being highly evolved possibly related to the ancients. After arriving through the Stargate located in a cave somewhere in Skyrim they traveled from town to town learning about the land, they eventually ended up in the College of Winterhold to try to find an explanation as to the physical properties of magic in Skyrim which they still didn't quite believe in, after discovering that this magic appeared to be real, they tried to find any ancient technology that explained what appeared to be magic, and found nothing.

While they where unable to find any satisfactory explanation of magic, they did come across a legend that included a large glowing crystal of great power that only a Dragonborn could access. This caught they're attention as the legends description of this crystal suggested what they thought might be a ZPM. They decided it was worth looking into and began asking around trying to find out what a Dragonborn was and where they could find one, they heard rumors of a Dragonborn who killed a dragon in Whiterun, so they decided it was worth looking into, along the way they got more details on the legend as well as to who you where and what you looked like which is how they finally found you in Whiterun.

You explain to them that you'd love to help, but unfortunately you know nothing of this legend. They say that when they where in Riverwood they came across a man that claimed to know all about the legend and even where the crystal is located, but would speak to no one but the Dragonborn himself about the legend. If you agree to go along with them, you travel to Riverwood with them and speak with this man, he tells you of a dungeon where the crystal is located after speaking with him, you make your way to the dungeon with the SG-team as your followers.

You fight your way through the Dungeon, fighting a variety of Ancient and Dwemer Automatons (suggesting a link between Dwemer's and Ancients), you learn a new shout and use it to open the final section of the Dungeon (hence the reason a Dragonborn is required), and fight a big-ass Dwemer Automaton or some kind of final boss, retrieve the Crystal which does turn out to be a ZPM which you can then give to the SG-team, they thank you and give you a GDO, some modern technology/guns and Kevlar armor and stuff. from there you can go back to the SGC with them, talk with the people at the SGC, and get lots of free stuff from them as well as SG-26 as followers.


Obvious other things you can do with a storyline like this is add other planets you can travel to, create additional SGC adventure add-on mods. I think overall though the idea of the mod would not be to include the common enemies or famous characters from SG since that would require a lot of pulling dialogue from old media, which would probably result in a very unsatisfactory story. It would make more sense to create an entirely new plotline like the one above where all the characters are new, the old enemies from SG could be considered defeated.

Other storyline possibilities or modifications could include you traveling with them through the land trying to find an explanation to magic (just think of what the characters in the SG-universe would do if they found themselves in Skyrim, i'm sure there's lots of storylines that would fit).


Anyway, i know that this would probably be a very large mod, but if anyone feels like commenting, or helping make this mod actually happen that would be awesome, if you think the story is ridiculous and have a better idea let me know, post a reply, i know overall the mod idea might not be considered Lore friendly, but it could also just be considered another interpretation of the lore. If anyone really does want to actually make this mod happen, know that I am willing to support the creation of this mod or a mod like it however i can though i do not have much experience with the Skyrim Creation Kit.

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I thought the SG-1 team used FN-P90's with the other SG teams using MP5's anyway sounds like a cool idea. A Jaffa follower would also be an added bonus for this mod if it gets made. I'll be following this for sure. Shel Kek Nem Ron.

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Thanks, looks like there really is a lot of interest in making this mod. And by the way you were right Morgwynn, they did use mostly P90's, i forgot about that.

Anyway lets make this mod happen! Like i said before i'm definitely no mod developer, but i'd be willing to do anything within my skillset to help make this mod (most of my programming skills involve web development or mobile development though i can learn quickly).

let me know if i'm missing anything, but it seems like to make this mod we'd some mod developers who actually know how to use the Creation Kit, voice actors (looks like we already have one), story writers (thats something i probably could help with), and some 3d-modelers (thats the part i'm terrible at)


some other possible story concepts i just thought of as well, perhaps it could be suggested in the story that the gods in skyrim are actually ascended beings (though the gods themselves might not really know that), and Sovngarde is actually a higher plane of existence maintained by Shor.

as for SG-26, i think it would make sense for there to be a ancient-tech expert like sgcdialler suggested, a jaffa warrior like Morgwynn suggested, maybe an archeologist (sort of like Daniel Jackson, someone who can try to fit all the legends together), and then a military leader maybe?


as for weapons and armor and other tech, i think P-90's would be awesome, though i've never seen any mod that includes fully automatic weapons in skyrim (is it even possible?). 9mm pistols could be another possible weapon (and probably a lot easier to make), i think theres already a mod for a zat gun and another one for staff weapons i haven't tried them yet, but if they're good maybe we could just include those mods. Other things that would be cool to include: C-4 (because explosions are awesome), protein bars (regenerates health maybe?) , Kevlar armor (good against projectile weapons, maybe not so good against swords), Naquadah metal, Naquadah reactors (could be used to power some stuff, or set to overload), ancient life signs detector (not sure if thats possible in skyrim) and maybe modern medicine of various types.


anyway, thats just some ideas, what do you guys think? can we make this mod?

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