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Additional Dawnguard items


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@harvengure - I believe they do move to Stendar's Beacon to an extent, its more of like that the majority of the vigilants are dead, and its only the remnants that remain in Skyrim/ all of the vigilants are now disorganized from losing their command and are probably being picked off one by one by the vampires. The two factions probably conflict with each other too much, and the Dawnguard probably took over the Vigilants role for protecting Skyrim.

What would also be cool, if the Dragonborn sided with the Volkihar and became the lord of the castle after the quest; instead of destroying the Dawnguard they could make/ force an alliance and essentially help them with getting rid of the feral vampire problem, or any others problems for that matter.

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Them forming an alliance seems rather less likely than say the Vigilants working with the Dawnguard. I don't want to give too much away but I figure if Isran can work (as little as he did) with Selene he can work alongside if the Vigiliants. Both he and Celann were Vigilants after all.

Hoping some permissions come through from existing mods to use in what I've been dabbling with.

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That is a mod I've used myself but I had planned my own changes to the beacon. I will, however, try to make a Stendarrs Beacon Enhanced version for those that wish to use both. I'll fire off a request to the modder to see if they'll allow changes to their mod for the sake of mine.

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@harvengure - Hopefully the Vigilants would be working with the Vigilants, but they wouldn't be fighting on the front lines because in game Isran said they were not properly trained for fighting vampires which is proved true when Tolan refuses to listen Isran's warning of not going to Dimhollow Crypt and gets killed immediately by the lesser guard vampires. If the Vigilants were to join the fight, they would probably have to either be stuck with researching, study of magical advancement of healing/curing and offensive/defencive techniques. If they were to join the physical fight they would have to be accompanied by 2-3 Dawnguard troops per 1 Vigilant, they would act as the support/medical unit.

As for a truce between the Volkihar ruled now by the new lord of the castle the Dragonborn and the Dawnguard, doesn't sound that far fetched since the Dragonborn stopped Harkon's whole plot of the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy being fulfilled. So the dawnguard should be pretty grateful that this whole vampire problem has ended, and that the otherside is willing to help them stop all the loose ends of feral vampires and any other problems to Skyrim. If Isran was open to Serana staying and helping them, he shouldn't be against other good creatures of night helping them.

If your planning to redo Fort Dawnguard heres a link to help, if you wanted to integrate it with yours.
For Castle Volkihar

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24367/? - Heres a link to a Fort Dawnguard Enhanced, its pretty lore friendly, just needs a basement cell where the Old Dawnguard held the Jarl of Riften's son who turned into a vampire

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22835/? - Heres some links to Castle Volkihar

And heres another one, except this one is customizable for any faction to show its flags, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41447/?

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I never said it should be anything, I'm just bouncing off ideas haha, and mostly going from my interpretation of the lore. Only sent those links to see if they would have helped at all, as for your vision of the mod, well its your mod- I bet they would align since I'm down for some more dawnguard material XD

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It's the lack of tone. It came across sounding harsher than it was meant. :P

Its slowly becoming a fairly large mod but here is what is in mind so far:

4 player homes- One in Fort Dawnguard, one at Stendarr's Beacon, one near the vamp castle, and a daedric cultist home who's location is yet to be decided upon (possibly the House of Horrors in Markarth)

A facelift to the 4 locations: Dawnguard, Vamp castle (I can never spell its name), Stendarr's beacon and wherever the daedric cult is based out of.

More NPCs for all plus the addition of the daedric cult.

Expanded Dawnguard items: armor, jewelry, weapons....to either be used with an existing silver weapons mod or with my own additions which will unfortunately be similar

Additional quests and tweaked quest: Included will be getting plans for Dwarven Ballistas for the Dawnguard whereas the Vamps and their allied Daedric cultist will have quest and items regarding gargoyles, Clavicus Vile, and Molag Bal.

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No worries, would love to help in this with either design sketches or voice acting if you want.

For the daedra cult, theres the active coven of Cannibals that worship Namira, that the dragonborn can join in "The Taste of Death" quest this temple is located in Reachcliff cave. The abandoned house in Markarth during the "House of Horrors" quest is an old forgotten, shrine to Molag Bal. - Not sure how you could make a quest line out of these since Molag Bal's shrine is abandoned and the only person who knows about its existence is the Dragonborn; As for the coven of cannibals that worship Namira, they would probably just ask you to bring more "guests" for dinner.

Hmmm the Dawnguard using Ballistas makes me think of the movie "Underworld Rise of the Lycans" where they used them from the walls to kill the werewolf onslaught. Perhaps a wooden/ upgraded or mixed between human and dwemer tech version of the Ballista would make more sense since the Dawnguard is not exactly made of money to be making a brand new dwarven ballistas, their like solid metal, for their size they would be worth a fortune- thats alot of gold to used on one ballista.

The Volkihar members aren't interested in acquiring power unless its to give it to the dragonborn, and they could care less of what the Dawnguard does, since they value them as a insignificant threat. Like bugs beneath their feet. The only thing they do seem to actively care about is making sure the feral vampire population is under control and isn't scaring/ riling up the mortals. You could perhaps go with since all this end of days activity and everything being so lively with dragons returning, the tyranny of the sun being ended I think this would probably stir all of the creatures of the night into a craze, perhaps the feral vampires start amassing an army as an opposite faction to the Volkihar. Werewolves could be going rampant with the Hall of the Vigilants and the Silver Hand being destroyed and are now multiplying in droves.

For locations for the quest, just like the Dawnguard DLC that fit everything in the Skyrim landspace without looking out of place you could have all of this be located in isolated canyons like the Forgotten Vale or Dayspring Canyon- Its like its own little world yet is in Skyrim, It could all revolve around some isolated nordic kingdoms being found in the mountains, and then being infested and breeding this onslaught of a creature feast from all this lush isolated populace.

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