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Funny Replies You Make To NPCs


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NPC: You'e got a real bounce to your step, I bet you're quite the acrobat!

Me: SILENCE! *punches*


Me: *punches guard and gets arrested*



Me: HELP! I don't have the calming pants or a Sweetroll to give Fimmion! D:


Me: STOP harassing me, I need the Sweetroll to get Calming Pants. o3o


Me: You're all idiots.


Me: *shoots a horse with an arrow and kills it*

*Dialogue window opens saying I've been kicked out of the thieves guild for stealing from a member*



Me: *kills the rat in the Sanctuary*

*Dialogue window opens saying I've been kicked out of the the Dark Brotherhood for attacking a family member*

Me: ...you're kidding, right? O.-


Gang Lady: Awww, you're all alone...we can't have that now can we?

Me: You know where more of my kind are and you're going to take me to them??! o3o

Gang Lady: Here, come meet up with us at our farmhouse after 11PM, we'll all have fun.

Me: You know the rules to playing Bandersnatching the Jabberwocky?! 8D

Gang Lady: We'll talk later, remember to meet us at the farmhouse at 11PM.


Me: OK I'm here, where are my kin and the bear?!

Gang Lady: There you are. So glad you could make it, now we can't have fun with you in all those clothes. Why don't you set them aside.


Gang Lady: Ok girls, we have someone who won't cooperate!

Me: *gets gang-killed* I never got my bear. D:

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LOL Those are great, Zuperbuu!

Me: You know the rules to playing Bandersnatching the Jabberwocky?! 8D

Is that a Final Fantasy XIII reference, or a reference to the poem? :tongue:



Okay, time for more:


NPC: "You're a sneaky looking sort."

Me: "You weren't supposed to see me." *kills NPC- can't leave witnesses*


Me: *kills everyone in the IC Market District, then another NPC enters*

NPC: "Looks like you're handy with a blade."

Me: *gets a real good laugh* "Yes, I am." *kills NPC*


NPC: "Everybody need a copy of the Black Horse Courier!"

Me: "Why? To wipe with?"


NPC: "You're talking to me and I don't like it."

Me: "Do you like this better?" *puts arrow through NPC's eye, NPC dies* Me: "Guess not."



ME: "Help murder? Okay, I'll help. Who's the target?" :devil:

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LOL Those are great, Zuperbuu!

Me: You know the rules to playing Bandersnatching the Jabberwocky?! 8D

Is that a Final Fantasy XIII reference, or a reference to the poem? :tongue:



LOL, it was actually to both of them! :teehee:



NPC: "You're a sneaky looking sort."

Me: "You weren't supposed to see me." *kills NPC- can't leave witnesses*


ROFL. So many times I've said that to Adamus Phillida! Only he wouldn't die at the time... :/


Bodyguard: The old man? He's easy to protect.

Me: He doesn't look any older than you do Buddy Boy!!


Me: *kills a chicken*


Me: I want Chocobo though. o3o *yanks the dead chicken*

NPC: Your tretarious little filtcher, how dare you steal from me!!

Me: I don't even know you. o-o *yanks the chicken again*


Me: The guards will not come to your aid, MWUHAHAHAHA! I blocked the gates with horse spawns!

*A Guard shoots across the sky and tries to arrest me!*

Me: ...that was really awkward timing...


Me: *in Jail, looking at Cellmate* Don't try anything funny or I'll claw out your eyes and offer them to Sheogorath.

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Me: You know the rules to playing Bandersnatching the Jabberwocky?! 8D


I remember the Jabberwocky poem! Good one :thumbsup:


Okay, let me think of another one...


Beggar: "I'm savin' up enough money fer some med'cine"

Me: "You don't LOOK like you need medicine" *Punches beggar* "NOW you need medicine."

Guard: "Stop criminal! I've heard of you. You've criminal exploits are well known. Pay the fine, or it's off to jail!"

Me: "How have you heard of me? What criminal exploits? I've haven't majorly broken the law for..." *Checks watch (where did the watch come from??)* "...Three minutes."

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Me: *asks about Obelisks*

Sheogorath: They're getting more active every day. Not a good sign. You know what would be a good sign? "Free Sweetrolls!" Who wouldn't like that?


Sheogorath: You really shouldn't have done that! Enjoy the view.

Me: NOOOOO, I'll be good! I promi---



Sheogorath (shrine): A mortal? Wait... a mortal I know. MY mortal. What are you doing here, mortal, when I've given you things to do?

This is when I should smite you. Give you a serious smiting. Completely smitten. When I tell you to do something, I generally mean it.

Me: I wanted to just say 'hi' whilst in Cyrodill. By the way, nearly all your worshippers are dead, I saw them as unworthy. o3o

Sheogorath (shrine): I suppose there's something I can have you do while you're here, though. A little errand. And a lot of fun.

Me: You're always trying to kill me though, as fun as it is, it hurts. D:

Sheogorath (shrine): There's a little settlement called Border Watch. It's a nice, peaceful place... and dull, dull, dull. You're going to make their lives interesting. They're a superstitious bunch. Everything is an omen or a portent. Let's make one come true.

Me: OHOHOH, make a swarm of Gnarls appear!! That makes me laugh.

Sheogorath (shrine): Find their shaman and ask about the K'Sharra prophecy. You are to find a way to make the first two parts of the prophecy come true. I'll take care of the rest, because it's the most fun. Now, run along.

Me: Just as long as it's not anything to do with it raining dogs! You know I hate Dogs. D:


OH THE IRONY! lol. :tongue:


Also, here's some pics of Godo and the Prophet...his 'good friend'...not. (anyone know what Race the Prophet is anyway? Is he Imperial? Breton?)



Godo charges to the Prophet one day.

"Hey Mister, who attacked the Chapel? HEY MISTER?!"

Godo tries to get the Prophets attention but fails.

The Prophet ignored Godo's questions.

Godo how he looks when just woken up, and feeling like knifing the person who did it.

Godo came back when the Prophet's ranting woke him up.

He startles the Prophet (and magically lost his bow and arrows) and is ready to teach him a lesson.

Prophet beating #1

Prophet beating #2


The NPC you see kept talking as if the Prophet was dead, the guards did nothing as Godo beat the Prophet senceless, if Sheogorath was there I am sure he'd laugh. :whistling:


Godo returned a few days later after venturing off to Hammerfell...look what he got whilst he was there.


I might have some fun with Ocato next!! :D

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:laugh: Those pics are great, Zuperbuu! You should compile them into a .GIF or something. That would be awesome (and funny).



NPC: "What do you want?"

Sir Killsalot: "To end your life!" *kills inquisitive NPC*


Guard: "What are you looking for?"

Me: "Trouble. You got any of that, or do I need to make some?"


Guard: "Stop! You've violated the law!"

Me: "I've violated more than that."

Guard: "Pay the court a fine, or serve you sentence."

Me: "I'm not paying squat, and if I serve anything, it'll be a paragraph, not a sentence." *resists arrest*

Guard: "Then pay with your blood!"

Me: "How about I pay with yours?" *kills guard and all of his buddies (and everyone in town)*

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Got some more:


Guard: "Stop! You've violated the law!"

Me: "You call you're mother 'The Law'? Do you still live with her or something?"


NPC: "It has words? It can speak?"

Me: "Nope. I'm a mute. I communicate by selecting words that magically appear in the air whenever I want to talk to someone."


M'aiq the Liar: "M'aiq knows much, tells some. M'aiq knows many things others do not."

Sir Killsalot: "Does M'aiq know that I torture those who cannot die? And that I can kill them?"

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Got some more:


Guard: "Stop! You've violated the law!"

Me: "You call you're mother 'The Law'? Do you still live with her or something?"


NPC: "It has words? It can speak?"

Me: "Nope. I'm a mute. I communicate by selecting words that magically appear in the air whenever I want to talk to someone."


M'aiq the Liar: "M'aiq knows much, tells some. M'aiq knows many things others do not."

Sir Killsalot: "Does M'aiq know that I torture those who cannot die? And that I can kill them?"


LOL ;D - made me laugh. A lot.

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