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I cant start The game with the Elder Coucil mod checked


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ok I has played this before with DC and then instaled giskards 2.4 version and now it wont work I completly eracsed his curp and reinstaled DC curp and reinstaled the Dragon Caption TEC. but for some reason it still wont work the game automaticallu cuts back off if it is checked. I have Oblivion 1.2 and the smae for shirving Isles and I downloaded all 13 DC Curp located on texnexus. I have nothing that should interfer with this mod yet it doe not work. even when I uncheck eveything but the esm it still does not work. I have tried clean instaling Oblivion and it still does not work.
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It might require OBSE, so make sure to download the latest OBSE and run Oblivion with it instead of the Oblivion Launcher. If that doesn't work, make sure to get the unofficial patches for both Oblivion and SI. I would also suggest getting BOSS to manage your load order, since load orders might cause problems. Finally make sure you have all the required mods to run it, if any.
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