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Maxwell the Fool

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Point of Parliamentary Procedure!!!


The bill calls for a $6.7 billion tax imposed on health insurance providers and a $2.3 billion excise tax on branded prescription pharmaceutical manufacturers and importers as well as a $2 billion excise tax on the medical device industry that starts immediately and is non-deductible for the corporation being taxed.


If anyone doubts me I'll post the link.


The topic is HealthCare.


As you were, carry on. :smile:

Edited by Kendo 2
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I dont mean no offence to anybody in this thread. :turned:

What i care most about is value and meaning.


We need to really reduce spending and fast sounds good. :thumbsup:


Remember we all sit in one boat. :wink:


Sorry, I was a bit angry at the healthcare bill passing. I meant no harm, and apologize if I gave any.


So, it's just like that then? Now what? I don't feel any different...


*Dies as a chest-burster punctures ribcage. As it rears its head, Obama appears as it's face*



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I hate how the Obama Administration will spend almost 1 trillion dollar health care reform that could leave as many as 40~ million uninsured.. Yet they will cut a 300 billion space program budget to nothing. We need real politicians in washington, because all I can see there right now is a circus with a bunch of grifters pickpocketing taxpayers to this stupid healthcare reform. If Washington is going to reform our healthcare they need to do it right..
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I hate how the Obama Administration will spend almost 1 trillion dollar health care reform that could leave as many as 40~ million uninsured.. Yet they will cut a 300 billion space program budget to nothing. We need real politicians in washington, because all I can see there right now is a circus with a bunch of grifters pickpocketing taxpayers to this stupid healthcare reform. If Washington is going to reform our healthcare they need to do it right..


No, my friend. There are actually no people that could possibly be considered representatives. Only people with lots of money throwing it at people who want money.


Economically, the space program does little for corporations, Health Care Reform may pocket some business owner a few bucks. Which one gets the pick? You decide.

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Topic locked. The bill has now passed and this topic is no longer relevant and has now wandered off of it's original subject.


Whether you like the bill or hate the bill it will now be law. Live with it.


Note: In any debate, the first one to degenerate to a personal attack automatically looses.


Bben46, Moderator

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