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Maxwell the Fool

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Meaning no offense here, but your new healthcare system is going to be a good thing. Look at Holland (I live there). We have had that system for a lot of time now, and do we have bills to pay? Have our taxes raised? No. Do people get healthcare they need but can't pay for? Yes. I dont understand a lot of this, but I do know that eventhough America is great, Holland's healthcare system is better, and you're soon going to have one like it. Shouldn't you be happy about that?


Are you familiar with the specifics of our bill?

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The bill calls for a $6.7 billion tax imposed on health insurance providers and a $2.3 billion excise tax on branded prescription pharmaceutical manufacturers and importers — as well as a $2 billion excise tax on the medical device industry that starts immediately and is non-deductible for the corporation being taxed.


If anyone doubts me I'll post the link.

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The fact that this is even a debate amazes me. Health care should be a basic human right for everyone devoid of class. How much greedy can you be? And then call yourself patriots at the same time? Shizophrenic much?


That behaviour is so guranteed the total opposite from what the founding father had in mind, but nevermind me and dont check on your own history ever. Just go on and throw around with bits of information without having even the slightest idea of the basis that this country is build upon.


Which i might say was GOOOD, but little from that remains to be seen atm. Also one reason because you are running out of money, but it would be wholly nother "debate"about transparency and things.


Then change finally comes and what many just can do is complain while having a political debate that is essential empty in nature. :laugh:


I cannot take that bunch serious no more. :wink:

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You're gonna get this thread locked, we've already been warned, so next time you feel like mouthing off, don't! It's posts like that that'll get this thread locked, and it's generally a bad idea to go and claim people aren't patriots based on OPINION. And don't claim that this bill doesn't at all violate the ideas of the founders. Ever heard of the tenth amendment? Look it up, it basically strictly forbids exactly what the federal government is doing right now...... What was it you were saying about the founders? How those opposed to the bill had no idea about history? Also, go back a few posts and check out what I said about the natural rights of man, and how government exists to protect those rights. Does a rabbit have guaranteed health care? No, so why should we? Exactly, we're an animal like any other, we abide by the laws, first by the constitution, second the bill of rights, third each successive amendment, and THEN to the laws past by our joke of a system. If any law conflicts with another than we take the one that's higher up......... Again, tenth amendment prohibits basically all federal activity, accept for a few....... Also, get around to reading the constitution, you know, that thing that governs all of America, I know, it wouldn't seem important, what with it's massive power and influence but, well, here we are.......


The two largest insults in my opinion are the following two: You're a liar. and You're not a patriot. This is the third "draft" of this post, all of the others would have gotten this thread locked; you sir, are a baiter.

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The fact that this is even a debate amazes me. Health care should be a basic human right for everyone devoid of class. How much greedy can you be? And then call yourself patriots at the same time? Shizophrenic much?


That behaviour is so guranteed the total opposite from what the founding father had in mind, but nevermind me and dont check on your own history ever. Just go on and throw around with bits of information without having even the slightest idea of the basis that this country is build upon.


Which i might say was GOOOD, but little from that remains to be seen atm. Also one reason because you are running out of money, but it would be wholly nother "debate"about transparency and things.


Then change finally comes and what many just can do is complain while having a political debate that is essential empty in nature. :laugh:


I cannot take that bunch serious no more. :wink:


Why is health-care a basic human right? I think it's absurd to think that Health Care is just as important as a concept like Freedom. This country was built on the concept of liberalism and capitalism, and based on my readings of liberalism and capitalism, forcing the populace to devour government health care is nothing of the such. It was the founding father's wish to keep government less strict on the lives of people than forcing trade restrictions, and other restrictions. This was due to Britain's monopoly over all businesses in the Colonies in order to make money. We weren't asked to do pay high tariffs, and only export our goods to Britain. We were forced to, just like we are being forced to deal with Universal Health-care.


Health-care is no F*@#$*^ right of anyone. The only rights that I see on the constitution are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Health-care does not equal 'LIFE' either, that stemmed from Britain hanging Colonials or Jailing them for little evidence, nor reason. Has nothing to do with band-aids, and pain-killers. Don't bring the founding father's view on healthcare into this debate. It has not place, nor ever will. If I misunderstood you point, forgive me.


This debate has quite a bit of meaning, you just apparently care little for it and would rather sit idle. I hope change comes around and hits me so hard that I die. Therefore, I won't need to use my new Government Insurance, or inflated Private Insurer.


What the healthcare bill should be about is finding some way to keep illegals from taking advantage of the current system. We need to really reduce some spending, and fast.



Posted by Maxwell



You're gonna get this thread locked, we've already been warned, so next time you feel like mouthing off, don't! It's posts like that that'll get this thread locked, and it's generally a bad idea to go and claim people aren't patriots based on OPINION.


Nah, It'll probably be my post.

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How much greedy can you be? And then call yourself patriots at the same time? Shizophrenic much?


Just go on and throw around with bits of information without having even the slightest idea of the basis that this country is build upon.


I cannot take that bunch serious no more. :wink:


So those statements weren't meant to insult anyone..... right. I think you might be the schizophrenic one..... Just a thought.


Also, I'm concerned as to which part of your post wasn't meant to be insulting: the part where you impugned the honor of everyone else here or the part where you were condescending..... Mind clarifying that?

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How much greedy can you be? And then call yourself patriots at the same time? Shizophrenic much?


Just go on and throw around with bits of information without having even the slightest idea of the basis that this country is build upon.


I cannot take that bunch serious no more. :wink:


So those statements weren't meant to insult anyone..... right. I think you might be the schizophrenic one..... Just a thought.


This always from compassion here. Not interested about ramblings.

Cannot do more then say dont take offence.

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