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many broken links in nexus/oblivion


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just start playing oblivion again



and its seem to be broken in image at forum and alot of then i see a laink to the nexus download file it just throw me to many page over all nexus games and not the oblivion download link


i think you have a error somewhere or you have change something in all the oblivion section

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Most are probably from the days when there was just Tessource/Tesnexus before expansion and each game got its own site.

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Urls have changed, sub-domains are gone, and the only valid domain left is "www.nexusmods.com".

Where it previously was "oblivion.nexusmods.com" nowadays it's "www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/" instead.

"tesnexus.com" doesn't exist anymore for quite some years already by now.

Calls like "file.php?id=<someid>" have been replaced by "mods/<someid>/", while the ids themselves remained unchanged.

As an general rule of thumb you can easily 're-write' the old urls into working new urls, if you just keep following structure:



Where "name-of-game" is obvious, "name-of-resource" is either "mods" or "images" (maybe some others as well), and "id-of-filepage" is the same as always, whether used inside the path or as a parameter to a ".php?" file call.

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As Drake said, the file IDs themselves don't change over time, so I like to make it as neat & easy as possible for myself: instead of typing in a whole new reconstructed URL, I copy just the ID number from the reference, then open any random file on the appropriate main page and replace the ID in the URL with my pasted-in one, and Enter. Fast and accurate -- works for me.

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