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Weaker bandits?


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I like difficulty mods. I play many difficulty mods.


One thing I despise is how silly overpowered bandits are. They're stronger than Forsworn, stronger than Falmer, stronger than mages, stronger than dragons (even with Deadly Dragons installed). I would like for this to be different.


I do not know how.



If someone could be so kind as to instruct me how to tweak them or release a tweak that lessens their lameness, I would be very appreciative. Thank you.

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actually this is one of the lower level memes in Skyrim similar to the kill a chicken one.


anyways to fix this go into the CK find the higher level bandits and reduce their health and defense by about 10-15% (yes actually do the math I recommend a calculator) that should balance them properly. if not reduce them by 5-10% more.

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