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Sigh....Crippling Bug


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*Rife with spoilers!!!* (well a lil')





I'm at the quest where your Pa dies in the little room with the Enclave guys.


So I watch the lil' speech, chick gets shot, dad kills 'em all, then tells me to run.




A few seconds after he dies he gets back up and stands around like a twit?


The walk-through says I'm supposed to escape with Dr. Li, but she only says, "Whats he doing in there." and my map marker still points at Pa?




Soooooo, how to I fix this?

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Are you running any mods? if so which ones?


Not many:


  • The 20th Century weapons
  • Classic Fallout Weapons
  • Enhanced Children (The only real big/complex mod I'd say.)
  • Childhood Beginnings
  • No blur on hit
  • Calibr
  • Jessi/Kelsey companions


I've tried some console commands (what little I know of them...) Using them to complete/end the quest doesn't start the next one though?


  • Completeallobjectives
  • Complete Quest



I'd love some help, I was playing so wonderfully bug free, I guess I'm due to hit one, but not such a big one. :(

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Yeah I saw that mod, I'm not at the end as of yet and it only relates to passing the end game glitches, I was going to snag it if need then...




I have been all over this morning looking for a way to fix my mess, I found this on the wiki:


"When your father James and Doctor Li talk in the Rivet City science lab, the cinematic mode will not come on and you are free to walk around like normal, yet their conversation still goes on. (confirmed all platforms) "


I'm not sure what 'cinematic mode' is, but when I went to Rivet City I could wander around while Dr Li and Pa bantered (After Tranquility Lane) I don't know if this is a symptom of my issue?

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I seem to remember this happening to me at least once. At the time I didn't realize it was a bug and I went back into the memorial. When I went back into the purifier room everything worked. You could try that if you haven't already. (watch out for enclave though).
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I am a save angel, (tee hee word censors! lol) I have dozens, I have reloaded saves from a bit before, hours before, to just outside the Rotunda door, all to no avail...


Here's some screens for what they're worth.




Pa dead, map pip has him as quest target;



Seconds later, he's alive!?!?! (Quest still active, he still has the map pip.)



  • Used the ghost/no clipping to go talk to him, he has all his dialogue he had before. i.e. about the project and Ma
  • Used 'killall', it has no effect on him, just knocks out Dr. Li

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I get from your dialogue that you did NOT try the suggested fix.





I am a save angel, (tee hee word censors! lol) I have dozens, I have reloaded saves from a bit before, hours before, to just outside the Rotunda door, all to no avail...


Here's some screens for what they're worth.




Pa dead, map pip has him as quest target;



Seconds later, he's alive!?!?! (Quest still active, he still has the map pip.)



  • Used the ghost/no clipping to go talk to him, he has all his dialogue he had before. i.e. about the project and Ma
  • Used 'killall', it has no effect on him, just knocks out Dr. Li

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I get from your dialogue that you did NOT try the suggested fix.











Fixed! :biggrin:




I still appreciate the effort/posts guys.

Edited by killette
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