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Awakening - Lacks Continuity


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for da 2 will u use same character you created or a totally new character

I highly doubt we're gonna know the answer to that question until at least a couple more months from now, if they're pushing DA2 to 2/2011. Which... really? 2011?! Isn't that just a bit too SOON for a sequel? I mean, good lord, EA should let Bioware create the masterpieces they're KNOWN for if they're going to survive! If not, Bioware really needs to rethink their "relationship" with EA and perhaps go solo again, or find a publisher that will GIVE them the time to work. I mean, c'mon... 2011?!?!

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for da 2 will u use same character you created or a totally new character

completely unknown. Entirely too soon to tell. So far they only thing they've released about the sequal is a proposed release date.


I agree, while I will be glad to see the sequel coming out soon, if EA pushes this thru too fast, it's gonna end up hurting gameplay, and quality. Then again, EA doesnt care about quality, only quantity. :verymad:

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For me, it seems BW just killed the characters with how they presented the epilogue in Awakening ( how the warden just simply goes off and they do not know whether he's coming back for more..,etc )


To actually import your previous character to DA 2 seems rather impossible at this rate.

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Funny, I've heard some people say that Bioware has written themselves into a corner in Mass Effect 2 also. I can't explain it, but I wonder if perhaps they did so with DA as well. Hope not. The first DA game took what, five years to complete? Making a sequel in less than 2 seems way too quick, I really would rather they take their time and give us a real corker.
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I'm really disappointed in the lack of continuity in Awakening's story. After playing ME1 and ME2 which has a ton of story elements that connect, Awakening falls short. Seriously Bioware, why even bother creating such a complex system of choice and growth that, in the end, gets completely thrown by the wayside? I found being able to play my character who made "The ultimate sacrifice", and who's past has been completely erased a total downer. Don't get me wrong, I think the Awakening rocks. I'm just really disappointed by the fact nothing I did in DA:O mattered. I mean, not including a romance is one thing, but not carrying over choices made from one game to the next is another.


Who sided with you at the Landsmeet? Who cares?

Did you Bed Leliana? Does it really matter?

Who did you side with, The Circle or the Templars? .... Please.

Is Connor Dead? I don't remember, I think I have amnesia.


Bioware put story over game-play and this was a dumb move in my opinion. Game play should always come before story (story meaning theirs, gameplay meaning your choices). It makes the game linear. It also takes away my emotional investment. I don't think I'm going to play DA:O again now, seeing as my character's choices in the end will just be wiped away.


What are your thoughts on this subject?


I have to agree! Plus it was so dang short! For $40 bucks i want a little more bang for my buck! What happened to the interaction between you and the other characters? Forget a romance! There's no time for it or a place. :-)

I feel I've been cheated. i do love the game, but i expected so much more.

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You know that there were letters from some romances, here is two:


Greetings from Antiva! I would prefer to be where you are, my sweet. Antiva is so dull without you to brighten it. Even with the Crows trying to hunt me down, this place lacks the excitement of being at your side.


Ah, well. I expect the Guildmaster will agree to meet me soon. Or maybe I should kill him! What do you think?


I hear the darkspawn have still not gone away? They are like houseguests who overstay their welcome, no? I am saddened you have to deal with such business without me. I must deal with the Crows, but when I return to you, not even sharp razors will be able to separate us! Until then, you remain in my dreams. Especially the naughty ones.


Yours always, Zevran.




I hope you are well. Alas, I am unable to come to the keep as I promised. I am so sorry, but the Grand Cleric herself wishes to speak with me. I will tell you all about it once I have had my audience. Is it true the darkspawn have not retreated? No matter, I'm sure you have it under control. Wish I could be there, killing darkspawn beside you. Perhaps you could save some for me? (All right, that was a joke. Do not spare them. That would be silly.) You are always in my thoughts.


Love, Leliana


P.S. Maybe you could consider growing some roses around your keep? That would make it so much prettier, don't you think?


Edit: Maybe BW cut it out due to time issues and didn't want to implement them. I hope that there is a patch to fix this. I don't think that there are any Morrigan letters but maybe the ring could be a clue. As for Alistair I don't really know.

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The continuity is there, but very fleetingly. In the epilogue, the PC's romance from Origins is duly noted. There are also a few cameo appearances throughout Awakening.


However, like others have said, this is only an expansion, or if you prefer, a massive DLC. The price tag was definitely a bit much, but it does come bundled with a massive load of quests and items.


If any of you have beaten the game and reached the epilogue, where the romance is noted, there is another point of interest. I won't spoil it for you here, but essentially if you aren't in a romance, you remain commander of Vigil's Keep, but if you are, you go back to your love. So...what the devs said was correct. There are no romances in Awakening because it is only a small snippet of time in the larger picture. You come to Amaranthine, get sh*t done, and leave, if you have a romantic interest.


Yes, I was also disappointed by Awakening, but I believe that it was nothing more than what the devs said it would be.


I'm just going to be patient and hope that EA doesn't rush Bioware through DA 2.

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