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Weight Painting


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I have been trying to make some armor for the skeleton creature, I took the regular iron pauldrons just beacuase they already exist and are easy to practice on. I understand I have to weight paint the pauldrons to the skeletons skeleton and the remove the boney skeleton and export it all. Then add it to the creature in the CS. Hope that made sense.

But the problem is that the pauldron doesn't seem to want to move with the bone that it is wieghted with, and this seems to be because it is a diffrent object. I've looked at the boots for the dark guardian but I couldn't figure something out. Anyone got any experience with this that is willing to share and help?

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Make sure it is actually weighted to the bone in question. The best way to make sure your objects are "sticking" to what they should be sticking to is by selecting the skeleton, go into Pose mode, grab the bone in question and move it about to see how it affects the other objects. But be sure to "escape" out of the bone moving so you don't actually modify the skeleton.


Sometimes you can accidentally misspell the bone in your vertex group on the object so make sure it matches letter for letter.


I've also seen cases where the bone name is actually too long to export correctly and has to be manually renamed using NifSkope...but that has been a long time ago so it may not be an issue any longer with NIF Scripts.



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No but the problem is that the pauldrons still is a part of the iron cuirass. In the drop down box there are the vertex groups for that cuirass. I've tried to just paste the skeleton vertex group name in there but that's when it won't follow the bone in pose mode. I've might have missed something here.
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