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Save me from myself!


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0223? Can you explain why people do that? It's 225! Its ASCII! Maximum of 255! Adding that 0 only complicates things...


I heard a lot of people actually do things like that...


130 for é and 137 for ë and 139 for ï... not all those weird 0 things... Who invented that bullpoo?

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You could hit your head really hard with a blunt object, destroying your brain cells and possibly the information that contains your cheat command knowledge. A little risky, it may take several attempts to destroy that data, and we're assuming data is stored within cells. If the theory that information can be pulled from a universal hologram is actually true, then your SOL my friend. In that case, I'd recommend nipple torture.
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Thank you for the ideas guys.Ive tried blybt weapons before but they jsut dont do the trick.I might hafta get my Staff of Greater Shock and give myself a beatin :ph34r: ,that might fry sme cells.Better yet,ill go to a hypnotist and get hypnotised not to cheat! YAY! :P
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You can still access the console without a ~ key... You just need to mash your finger on the place where the key was. It's painful, but it works.


No, what he needs is two pieces of speaker wire, a copper plate that will fit over his tilde key, a soldering iron, solder, superglue, and a series of interconnected 9V batteries. Failing that, he just needs some inspirational stories about when we quit. Mine is as follows:



One night, I was at a DOS prompt and was trying to change directories. After trying to go into that damned folder about a dozen times, I realized that, instead of CD, I was using COC to change directories. That was when I knew I had to kick the habit.

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