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textures sometimes missing / sometimes not


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hey all,


i have the feeling i am not gonna be the first with this issue. :biggrin:

anyhow. the search did not reveal much. :tongue:


sometimes in my game a few vanilla textures go missing (=black) and then again

they are perfectly there displaying just fine!


examples are the vine grain textures on the benarius manor in anvil, which seems to be the

latest trend now. it makes the house look quite ugly, but disabling it wont work as then the whole house will vanish at once.


i absoilutely have noooo, noooo idea where this stuff comes from.

it is a complete mystery game to me thats being played here.


(the only modifying entity in this case here i know of would be better cities, if at all)



another example would several stone textures in green emperor way, where the water comes out so nicely from above: they turn black and then again not and everything is fine.


likewise i have the problem in azuras palace which seems to use the exact same textures.


whats the connection there? has anyone got a clue? :wink:


regards. :kiss:


ps: oh and i am using quarls of course! :happy:

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