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Custom Bound Bow and/or Arrows can't be used by Follower


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Hi Guys,


I have created new bound weapons and gave them new arrows aaaaand I went through everything... Enchantments, Arrows, the Projectile files, the MagicEffects, the weapons themselves and even set up fitting combat styles for my follower... BUT all he can do at the moment is fight at close range with his boundsword weapon. If I tell him to fight ranged, he will summon his bow with arrows instead, but decides to punch people or sometimes not even fight at all...


At first I thought maybe his combatstyle is messed up, but his Followerpackages are being controlled by a globalvariable, which should work just fine.


The only thing that bugs me a bit is the following script in the BoundBowFFSelf file:

Scriptname BoundBowEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect  
; Modder's Note - this feature was removed for functionality reasons.  However; I'm leaving the script in for anybody who may want to play with bound arrows. -JB

Ammo Property boundArrow  Auto  
MagicEffect Property BoundBowFFSelf  Auto  

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
; 	debug.trace("Bound Bow - Effect Starting - add and equip bound arrows")
	caster.equipItem(boundArrow, TRUE, TRUE)

EVENT onLoad()
; 	debug.trace("Bound Bow caught Cell Attach")
	if !(getCasterActor().hasMagicEffect(BoundBowFFSelf))
; 		debug.trace("Bound Bow - Cell Attached, script active, but effect not found on "+getCasterActor())

EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
; 	debug.trace("Bound Bow - Effect Finishing, remove any bound arrows")

The Property BoundBowFFSelf points at it's magiceffect and shows the ID of the magiceffect, but no matter what I do in my custom magiceffect it shows the NAME no matter what I do. I know it is just a small difference and I don't even think that might be the issue at all, but you can never be too sure, right?





And here is a Video on the Issue:


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I just did rename everything by deleting the numbers in the beginning AND the package kicks in like IMMEDIATELY. :D


That is a big relief, but still... He is still punching the air like an idiot xD He still won't use the bow. :(

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Didn't think that that would solve that particular issue but figured it might help with some other things. I have no idea why he would not use the bound arrows. You are the first, as far as I know, that has tried giving bound bow & arrows to followers to use.


Will he use the bow if you assign a different arrow to that property?

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I will try just that in a few. Currently I am trying extreme combatsstyles. like only magic or only range. And right now I am using the vanilla spells to be sure it is not my custom spell messing everything up. And it really doesn't even work with the vanilla stuff. Soooo... I didn't screw up my spells xD.

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Alright! WOhoo! It is working. Thanks to Darren83 and some awesome troubleshooting sessions xD I am finally able to get my Follower to use "bound" weapons. We kinda cheated a bit on that one by making a bow that is not a bound weapon, but just simply looks like it and have it force equip instead of summoning in the beginning of a fight. The "downside" to this is that it actually takes about 3-5 seconds for the follower to actually summon his weapon. This applies now to both his one handed sword and his bow. :) I will implement this as part of my follower backstory. Him only being able to summon such powerful weapons by taking some time to focus.


Parteeeytaiiimuuu :D

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