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Drop the Leash


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( Hello Druids garden. Been awhile since i've really written anything and now that i have i figured i'd post it here lol. This is the backstory of my characters in the Rejects RP. I've actually had this story in mind for a few years now. Like... Way back when i first started playing the Fallout series 6 years ago. I just never really got around to writing it lol. Now with this being set in the Fallout world it's pretty dark in nature and some people could find parts of it offensive so consider yourself warned. And if you don't like it then don't read it. Simple as that. And one more thing. My writing skills and grammar aren't that great so don't expect a masterpiece here. Anyways that's enough rambling from me. Hope you reading this isn't a total waste of your time :tongue: And yes i know i misspelled apocalyptic. Stupid thing won't let me change the title now so i can't fix it.)



The ringing of a telephone woke up the middle aged man. He picked it up and held it to his ear. “Hello?” A woman’s voice came from the other end. “Sorry to wake you sir… But we have a problem.” The man sighed. “Unless we just lost billions it can wait till morning.” The woman responded. “That’s just it sir, It’s the soldiers….. There’s been a revolt.” The man nearly had a heart attack. “WHAT??!!” The woman repeated herself. “There has been a revolt sir. They’re all missing and the facility has been destroyed along with all the documents and test results.” The man growled. “Sh**. Alright then.… Fry the ba*****.” The woman paused for a moment. “We’ve already tried sir… It didn’t work. It would seem that the FS chips have been deactivated.” The man yelled back. “HOW THE HELL IS THAT POSSIBLE?!” “Well sir… It would seem that Laura Kindle is also missing. We haven’t been able to contact her and we know she wasn’t at the facility.” The woman said. The man let out a sigh. “Damn it…. Knew we shouldn’t have trusted her.” Throughout all of this the women seemed to be able to keep her calm. “There’s more sir. One of them left you a message. ”The man paused for a long time. “Sir?”

“I’ll be right there.” The man hung up and sighed. He looked over at the plaque on the wall that read Commander Henry Mathews “We’re all gonna burn for this.”



Later that morning Henry found himself standing in front of a burning building that once housed some of the finest minds and the greatest soldiers in America. Men and women were running around trying to put out the fires or save some documents. A tall man with glasses approached the commander and saluted. “Sir. We didn’t expect you so soon. Please, Right this way.” He then led the commander to a small tent with a screen and projector inside. Henry sat down in the seat in front of the screen. “I don’t have much time so could you hurry it up?” The man with glasses nodded. “Yes sir.” The man walked over to the projector and turned it on. On the screen a boy appeared. He in his late teens or so There was nothing really noticeable about him except for his right eye; it was a much lighter shade than his other. “Hello Commander. If you’re watching this then that means that you probably already know what we did. Right now the rest of the men are spreading out all across America. Don’t bother trying to find them. You trained us too well for your men to find us. As for me… Well I’m probably dead, in one way or another.” The boy shook his head and sighed. “I'm not gonna waste your time by telling you why we did it, I mean hell, you of all people would know right? Anyways all of us decided that it would be best if this little project of good ole president Eden were to just… Disappear. So with that… I say goodbye to you, the president, and the Enclave and I hope this comes back and bites you all in the ass.”



Commander Mathews stormed out of the tent in a fury. He sat down against a nearby crate and watched as the workers tried desperately to put out the fires. The man wearing glasses found him minutes later. “Sir…. What do we do now?” Commander Mathews let out a long sigh and stood up. “I’m gonna go home… Get drunk, Load up on chems then shoot myself. You people do whatever the hell you want.” Henry walked back to his car and drove off leaving everyone in a state of panic. It took the workers the whole day to put out the fire. Inside the ruins the were unable to find anything salvageable. The Commander never did shoot himself. In fact he didn’t make it though three bottles of whiskey till he passed out. Two weeks later him and twenty other officials were arrested and imprisoned by the very people they worked for. The Enclave then began an extensive search of the runaway Marines. They never found any trace of them and eventually the project to resurrect the United States Army Special Forces was scraped and all records of it destroyed.



The project started many years ago.


Part one. Welcome home.

Twelve years ago.



Laura Kindle looked around the pristine room in awe. Even her lab was nowhere near as clean as this room was. Two well dressed men walked and sat down at the large desk in front of her. One of the men cleared his throat. “Thank you for meeting with us here today Miss Kindle. Let me be the first to say that it is an honor to have you here. We’ve been following your work for some time and we must say that the advancements you and your father have made are… Astounding.” Laura blushed a little. “Thank you commander. Though we had loads of help. Most of the work was already done for us. We merely improved upon it.” The men seemed taken back by her accent. It wasn’t often that you heard an English accent in America these days. The man to the right regained his composure first. “Regardless it’s still an impressive feat. You and you father managed to create an internal armor that’s… Well to be blunt, damn near indestructible. Is it true that you used metal that was taken off of an alien vessel?” Laura chuckled. “No… What we did use was a replication of the type of metal that was found on one. Before the war it was transferred to Vault M for protection.” The man on the left held up his hand. “I’m sorry but… Did you say Vault M? Because… There are no records of a Vault M.” Laura smiled. “Heh… That’s because it’s not an American Vault. European countries also created Vaults incase of a nuclear war.” The man almost seemed embarrassed. “Oh…… Carry on”



As the hours went on Laura explained to the men exactly how her and her father created the armor. After the men had heard all they needed they decided that she was right for the project. The commander clasped his hands together. “Now miss Kindle. We have an offer for you. We would like to offer you a spot on the team that will give civilization the jump start that it so desperately needs.” Laura thought for a moment. “Well… What exactly will I be doing? “The man on the left spoke. “What you do best. Your internal armor is exactly what we need for this operation. Our president is sparing no expense for this project. Recruiting and purchasing the best of the best and that includes you and your armor.” The commander interrupted. “What the general is saying. This project is of the up most importance to the president. His goal is to bring back one of the greatest fighting forces the world has ever seen, The U.S Special forces in order to fight against the countless Raiders, Mutants, and all the other threats that plague the wasteland. To bring peace and justice back to America. Miss Kindle…. You would be saving the lives of countless people.” It was almost too much to swallow for Laura. “Look… I appreciate you asking me for help. And believe me; if I could I would help you but… I wasn’t involved with the actual surgery. I only helped with therapy afterwards. I mean yes I have my fathers notes but I seriously doubt that I would actually be able to perform the surgery.” The commander smiled. “That won’t be a problem. We’ve got the nations best surgeons on stand-by. With your father dead we figured that it would be best to find some other surgeons just incase.” Laura was shocked. “Wow! Um… Okay… I need to take care of things at my clinic back home. Find another Doctor to take my place. “The man shook his head. “Already been done.” Laura’s mouth fell open. “What?” The commander smiled. “You heard correct. We’ve already found a replacement for you. Don’t worry. He’s been on the job for thirty years now. He knows his stuff.” Laura ran her fingers through her hair. “Oh… Wow… Okay… We’ll need a lab” The commander nodded. “Already have one. The best in America. Well….. Near America.”


“A team?”


“The best of the best. Dragged them in from all across the wasteland.’ He chuckled.” At least the ones that wanted to help.”


“I’ll need some place to stay.” Laura said.


“Do you mind heights?”




“Good cause it’s got a hell of a view.”


Laura chuckled. “Well alright. Guess everything’s already taken care of. I just need to pack.”


Once again the commander chuckled. “No need. It’s already been done for you.” And once again Laura was speechless. “All of it?” The commander repeated her. “All of it.”


Laura started counting off items on her fingers. “My books?”


“They arrived this morning.”


Laura held up another. “My clothes?”


“Washed, ironed, and packed” The commander said.


She held up a third finger. “My cat?”

Suddenly large black cat rubbed up against Laura’s leg and meowed. Laura picked it up and looked at the two men with her eyes nearly popping out of her head. “My Gosh…” The commander leaned forward. “Miss Kindle. I’m gonna be very blunt here. We need you for this project. You have first hand experience with the affects of the armor. No one else can do this but you.” Laura let out a small sigh. “I don’t really have much of a choice do I?” The commander chuckled. “Yes Miss Kindle you do have a choice. However with the paycheck as well as the bonuses you will be receiving… well lets just say that you would have to be mentally impaired not to accept our offer.” Laura looked down at her cat which meowed at her. “Alright… Where do I sign up? Unless of course… You people have already done that for me.” The commander laughed. “You’d be correct. As a matter of fact we’ve gone ahead and enrolled your great grandchildren into the best educational facility in the U.S.” Laura chuckled nervously. “That’s…. terrifying.” The Commander smiled. “That’s exactly what I said.”




The next day Laura was stepping out of a Vertibird that had set down on an island almost a hundred miles off the coast of Florida. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Clean, radiation free water rolled up onto the beaches instead of the murky radiated water that she was used to. This was all thanks to the water purifiers that surrounded the island. What was on the island itself was even more impressive. An actually city. Not a settlement or an abandoned bunker or boat filled with people, a real city just like what you’d see back before the war. With businesses, stores, apartments, the works. Laura didn’t have time to explore though as an officer walked up and greeted her. “Miss Kindle?” Laura looked over at the officer. Nothing was very noticeable about him with the exception of a long scar that ran across the front of his throat. She cleared her throat before she spoke. “Umm Yes. Hi you much be Captain McClain. Nice to meet you.” They both shook hands. “Yes ma’am.” The Captain said. “It’s nice to have someone on board that knows how to deal with people. I swear if they send me one more nut-job I’ll shoot em before they step outta the damn Bird.”



McClain took Laura to the facility where she would be working and showed her around. It didn’t take long for them to reach what would soon be her office. Inside was a pale, scrawny looking man wearing an over sized lab-coat standing near a cluttered desk. He nearly fell over as Laura and McClain walked in. “Oh gosh… Hi… You two nearly scared me to death.” He said. McClain chuckled. “Relax Spencer. Just showing your new boss around.” Spencer looked over at Laura with his mouth hanging open. He pointed at her and looked at McClain. ”Her?” Laura raised an eyebrow. “That’s not a problem with you is it?” Spencer shook his head violently and stuttered. “N.n.n No i…i…it won’t. I’m sorry I just wasn’t expecting you to get here so soon. Or that you would be so… Umm… S…so cute.” He laughed nervously. Laura smiled at him. “Oh! Well thank you.” McClain snickered. “What’s the matter Spencer? They didn’t have women back in the Brotherhood?” Laura’s eyes went wide in shock. “Brotherhood!? You….. You don’t mean the Brotherhood of Steel do you?” McClain nodded. “Yep… Are ole pal Spence here is a Technophile.” Spencer sighed loudly. “EX Brotherhood of Steel thank you very much. And for five years at that. And not once have I ever wished to go back to them… Animals. No better than the raiders if you ask me.” McClain rolled his eyes. “Suure and I’m the tooth fairy. You were with them longer than you‘ve been with us. The way I see it you’re still one of them.” McClain turned to Laura. “Well that about does it. Spencer will fill you in on the details of your work and umm…” He leaned in close and whispered. “I stashed a 32. Under your desk this morning just incase.” Laura smiled and nodded as a way of saying thanks. McClain gave one last glare at Spencer before walking out of the room. Laura looked at Spencer and spoke in a friendly manner. “So I guess we should get started now.” Spencer stood there looking at her for a while as if in a daze before he shook his head violently. “Yes! Right. Gotta get back to work heheh.”



Laura spent most the next three weeks inside the lab with Spencer. She wasn’t too sure of him at first but after the first week she decided that he was actually a decent guy. A bit absent minded but still decent. They spent the first month doing standard test and research on the after effects of the internal armor. It was mostly just double checking Laura’s notes and making sure everything was correct. The metal that was being used was unlike anything on earth. It had elastic properties but retained its durability even after being stretched out or bent, making it perfect for internal armor. It was also highly durable though considering it was used as outer plating on the alien vessel it was no surprise. After all it would have to be able to withstand the abuse that came with space travel. Though because it was merely a replication of the original material it was nowhere near as strong as the original. On the second month of testing everything changed. Their focus shifted to the effects the implants would have on the growth of a subject. This change worried both Laura and Spencer. They had joked about it once before but never really considered it a possibility. After they received the new instructions they hoped it was simply for medical purposes. But deep down they both knew why. After all, you don’t get called in to work on a project this big by being stupid. But they could still hope that they weren’t right.


One month, three weeks and four days after they started running test the people that would be having the armor implanted were brought to the island. And to no one’s surprise…. They were all children. Each under the age of ten. Some were brought in masses, other on their own. Some in cages, others in chains, most were just marched in. Not surprisingly many of the staff weren’t pleased with this discovery.


Laura slammed her hands down on the commanders’ desk and yelled as loud as her vocal cords would let her. “WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL HERE???!!!! THOSE ARE CHILDREN FOR GOD’S SAKE!! HOW THE HELL COULD YOU ALLOW THIS?!?!” Commander Mathews was standing in front of the large window looking out at the ocean. He faced Laura and tried to speak in a calm manner. But in truth he was just about as angry as she was. “Miss Kindle…. I am well aware of the situation. And believe me, if I had a choice I’d send those kids back where they came from.” He let out a long drawn out sigh. “But…. Each of those children was hand selected by President Eden himself. This isn’t something we can fight so we’re just going to have to deal with it the best way we can.” Laura was shaking with rage. “This isn’t right. “ She said. Mathews walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder sympathetically. “I know it’s not.” He said. “But look at it this way. Out there only about a third of those children would live to their teen years. Especially considering where we picked up most of them from. Now they’ve got a chance at a good life. Not exactly the safest but it’s far better than what most of them would have otherwise.” At that moment the Colonel who had overseen the collection of the children walked in with a rather excited look on his face. “Good! Everyone’s here, Excellent. I am pleased to report that we managed to retrieve ninety three percent of the targets. Unfortunately the other seven percent were either put down or were already deceased. Nothing too major.” He tossed a folder onto the desk and sighed happily. “So, who’s ready to make some killing machines?”


Before anyone could respond the Colonel went on about how they learned their lesson back before the war when it can to making children into soldiers. They found that mindless killing machines weren’t as effective as they had thought. Unable to make any major decisions on their own many lives were lost while the soldiers stood by waiting for orders. After two more tries the military found that allowing the children to grow as normal children all the while slipping in military style teachings into their normal schooling was much more effective in the long run.


The Colonel opened up another folder he had in his hands and pulled out a few files from it. “Now, Most of these kids were pretty much just picked up on the side of the road, A few were born into the enclave, and the rest had to be taken in by force. You shouldn’t have too much of a problem with most of these kids but there are a few that might give ya a few problems. He laid down the files he had in his hand on the desk and spread them out so the others could see. Each file had a picture of a young child on it and had their basic information on them. The Colonel pointed to a file with a picture of a blond haired boy. “Luke Rushing. Born a couple miles north of the Texas/Mexico border. Enclave by birth. His uncle’s a bit of a rouge agent, Makes trips down the border to cause trouble every now and then.” He pointed to another boy. “Caleb Kennedy. Canadian. Grabbed him from an orphan town. Kid shot 12 of my men before we even knew which direction he was. He’s one hell of a sniper.” He went down the list in no particular order telling them about each child. “This one here. Richard Cartel. New Mexico. Didn’t think much about him till we found the house he was holed up in, was full of Super mutant pieces. Supposedly he was the one that killed him all. Couldn’t really say for sure. Something’s a bit odd with him though. Can’t really put my finger on it. “He pointed to a file with a girls picture on it. “Monica Steward. Florida. Came kicking and screaming. Had to throw her into a cage during the flight back here. A loaded pistol that one. “There were seventeen kids in all that were listed. “And last but not least.” He said as he reached the last file. “Colton Bishop. We’ve had our eyes on this little sh** since before he was born.” Laura grabbed the file and stared at it in shock. “This is…. John Bishop’s son.” The Colonel chuckled. “Yeah. Evan Bishop. AKA The Ba***** of New Reno. Supposedly the illegitimate child of President Richardson’s seventeen year old murderer. Son of a bi*** took over the whole damn town when he was just thirteen and gave me this. “He pointed to the rather large scar that went down his left eye. “About six years ago. So considering the track record we figured it would be in our best interest to get our hands on this kid.” Laura wasn’t listening to the Colonel. She had heard the story before. In fact she had even met Evan before. Her and her Father had spent almost three years in the town of New Reno and Evan was surprisingly interested in their research.


Lost in her own thoughts Laura didn’t even notice that Commander Mathews and the Colonel had left. She dropped Colton’s file and ran out of the office after them. She quickly caught up with them and followed then to the mess hall. What she saw there shook her to the core. Within the mess hall sat hundreds of children all bound and gagged so that they wouldn’t try to run away. The Colonel walked up to the podium that was in the front of the room and smiled. “Hello kids. Allow me to be the first to say. Welcome home. You will address me as either Colonel Norton or as Sir. But don’t let the title scare you. I’ve got a feeling that we’re all gonna be best friends from here on out.” At that moment the Colonel couldn’t have been happier. He though that this would be his way to the top, that when this project succeeded he would be set for life and would life the rest of his days in luxury. And at that moment, He was living proof that ignorance is bliss.

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Ok, First off...I think it should be noted that I think you underestimate just how much you've grown as a writer and as a roleplayer this past year and half or so since I first got to know you Josh.


Now I'll admit this needs some work and needs to be looked through with a fine toothed comb on your part Josh but on the whole it's a good start for it and I for one liked it. Keep writing it and correct it's mistakes and before to long it'll be top-notch in my opinion, I hope to see more from you on this, and know you have my support and aid should you want it.


Best of Luck, my friend.


~ Raz

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Ok, First off...I think it should be noted that I think you underestimate just how much you've grown as a writer and as a roleplayer this past year and half or so since I first got to know you Josh.


Now I'll admit this needs some work and needs to be looked through with a fine toothed comb on your part Josh but on the whole it's a good start for it and I for one liked it. Keep writing it and correct it's mistakes and before to long it'll be top-notch in my opinion, I hope to see more from you on this, and know you have my support and aid should you want it.


Best of Luck, my friend.


~ Raz


I read this earlier, but didn't post a comment because I had to rush off but just keep in mind that...writing is like sculpting a statue...the more you work on it, the more beautiful it becomes. Keep it up, you're an artist.

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As Species and Raz have already said you should give yourself more credit. Ive been in a few RPs with you namely the Rejects and you like many of us on the RP forums have boundless imagination and creativity. Thats what counts your technique and style will grow with your stories and in all your RPs it already has a great deal. Keep righting and I think youll find just how great of a writer you really are.
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writing is like sculpting a statue...the more you work on it, the more beautiful it becomes. Keep it up, you're an artist.


I agree with that :) I know you've been working on that a while but with all that time n thought put into it jus goes to show how much potential it has since it wasn't rushed out there :) I like it, I can't wait to see more. I saw some small errors but I'm no expert scholar myself so don't let small things like that hold you back. And of course, dont let time keep you from working on it bro. :laugh:

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