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How long have you played your character?


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Not very long, I only have 140ish hours on my current character. I tend to start over from the beginning when my playstyle changes or I download a new mod that affects gameplay in a major way. My first character was a redguard, babrbarian class, warrior birthsign. Pure hack and slash fighter in perfect madness armor. He retired however and I went from armored tanks to female assassins. Moving silently and taking foes out at a distance always makes me smile... especially when they get hit, draw their weapon, then run up to you all mad until the poison does its thing and they collapse at your feet.



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Well when I played vanilla Oblivion I played with the same character for a really long time. But now when I'm using mods I don't really play with the same character for a long time. :mellow:
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When I was on the Xbox, I played the same character for four years. When I finally started playing on the PC (so much better!), I couldn't abandon him. It just didn't feel right. Thankfully, I found the Alternative Start by Ship mod, and now play as a younger version of my character before he was sent to jail and the events of the main quest. It's kind of hard to describe him, seeing as I've been playing him for so long. In a nutshell: he is a rich noble with a taste for adventure. He is almost always exploring new places and is obsessive about collecting rare and unique artifacts. He is slightly antisocial, but kind to those who need help. However, he has a darker side unknown to most people. He is an exceptionally skilled assassin, and prefers to use blades and bows. If you piss him off, you'd better watch your shadow. The Nine help you if you're a bandit, marauder, or necromancer. He'll leave your stripped, mutilated body on the side of the road as a warning to other robbers. If you kill his horse, they'll never find your body.


Mind if test out a screenshot here? I've been trying to figure this out. Not the best screenshot, I know. :tongue:


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Illiad, I never changed anything about my character but some mods that changed her body and the wrinkles on her face.

You play her over again and start the game new? I've never done that. She's been one long continuation from Morrowind. If that's her in your avatar, she looks pretty. Although it's hard to tell because she's somewhat small.




Yeah...I just feel like starting over or normally my save game gets corrupted :tongue: Yeah, mods have changed her skin and body...wish I still had old screenshots haha...I played vanilla for 2 years before finally modding the game and it's always been Illwen...for a long time just as a regular Bosmer but I decided on her current origin and have played it for a year now


I played her once in Morrowind, just made her for the heck of it and her story just doesn't fit for that time. My original character is a Bosmer thief...still got her savegame somewhere :smile:


Yeah :smile: That's her. I take pride I made a pretty face with a stock race :biggrin: I got pictures of her in the ImageShare :smile: and her story. Well haha, somewhat stock...it's a standard vanilla Bosmer with Dremora Eyes, Dremora Powers, earrings, and Daedric tattoos...that's as far as I go in the CS haha.


Latest pic



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I was in love with Argonians when I first started playing Morrowind (never played the previous series). It was the first time I actually played a game like Morrowind and it was amazing. I could never play anything else except for Argonian in Morrowind though (mainly due to the fact that I find the Imperial and the elves looked weird, then again graphics back then wasn't as advanced as today).


I played as an Argonian for a month or two when Oblivion came out, then switched to an Imperial after that. After that, I kept to the same character, an Ohmes-Rath, until now. (Around 150+ hours?) She went through some changes in terms of looks and hairstyles, since I kept changing her whenever there's some new awesome mod that alter looks :P




This was how she looked originally. I used a Tabaxi mod but to stick to the lore, she's an Ohmes-Rath. Originally an apprentice to an old Khajiit mage, but she sharpen her skills with blades, bows and sneaking on her numerous adventures.

After that, I switched her to an Ainmhi.



Her backstory was that she had to remove her fur though a potion when she made her journey through Tamriel to Morrowind. (Integration the Stranded Light stated that after the Elswyre war, bosmer-looking Ohmes and Ohmes-Rath were forbidden to venture into Tamriel for fear of them being spies. In Morrowind, she crossed path with the Nerevarine. (explains why she knows the story of the Nerevarine). Anyway, I wrote her backstory in another topic if anyone is interested in knowing her :P




My character's newest look would be the one in my display pic. She has some tattoos now. I just started a new game a week ago with her again so that I could mess around with some new mods I added.


She's staying with me for a loooong time.

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Hawk has been around since Morrowind. I still remember him honing his archery skills from a little treehouse somewhere near Milk.


In Oblivion he has logged well over 1200 hours in about 2 Cyrodiil years (A little over 1 in real world). And he has YET to see it all. I have no idea how far he is in the Main quest but he just started it a month or two ago.


He has a lot of power at level 60, however, thanks to a great mod (Automatic Difficulty Increaser), he can still take a whoopin if he isn't on his toes. Just like it should be.



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I tend to create the same two characters over and over again in every game I play... most of my gaming experience is in MMORPGs; I was employed by one for years. I started out with a main character when I first stepped into a game at age 13 or so, and a year or two later created a second one who is the companion of the first. They're an odd healer and fighter duo, but for some reason I've gotten really attached and the same characters are always the ones I make whenever I play a new game, whether it's online or single-player. The healer is always an Elven race of some kind, usually a highborn noble, and the other is whatever passes for human in the current game, a street rat with a tortured past.


It's a bit frustrating because the original one is supposed to be a healer who doesn't fight at all; in the game I created her in she was an Empath, a class who actually can't attack or in any way cause harm to any living creature or they get backlash shock and lose their healing ability. But in most games you kinda have to fight something to progress so I've had to modify the character's background frequently. Mostly she ends up with just a small belt dagger and a couple of spells that she'll use only to defend her life or someone else's, or when absolutely necessary. There are very few games that you can heal other characters in, so it's not like it matters to my gameplay if I'm RPing that she can't heal for a couple of weeks because of having had to use the knife.


I was overjoyed to find the CM Partners mod in Oblivion because now I can play the two of them as they were originally created and my PC never has to to hurt anything; that's what her partner is for.

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