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anyone ever have trouble with multipul save files for skyrim?


Is there a mod or some way to keep track of diff files instead of being stupid me and deleting a lvl 40 character and not backing it up -.-

I over wrote it with a lvl 2 XD


Or can you some how change the numbers? cause my lvl 2 now save file is number 540 lol

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Well, it is recommended that you keep most of your saves anyway. At least, keep one before you install/uninstall any mod. Apart from that, there's the Profile option from Mod Organizer. It lets you "localize" your saves, means they only show up with the correct profile. Also handy for having playthroughs with different mods.

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13 times The square root of Orange. (Random answer)


As a more pertinant answer... I recal see a mod around that creates 'profiles' which would allow you to totally seperate one character from another. I can't remember what its called, but look under gameplay maybe?


As for the numbers... Don't thin ghee is Any fix for that.It just tells you how many times you've saved your game.

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I use the console to save games with custom names. I generally save with a file name like "Warrior lvl35" or something. Something more descriptive than "Whiterun" or "Skyrim" Just hit ~ then type "save savename" If you want multiple words in the save, put the text after "save" in quotes.

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13 times The square root of Orange. (Random answer)


As a more pertinant answer... I recal see a mod around that creates 'profiles' which would allow you to totally seperate one character from another. I can't remember what its called, but look under gameplay maybe?


As for the numbers... Don't thin ghee is Any fix for that.It just tells you how many times you've saved your game.


That mod is called Familiar Faces i think?

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Ill give it a try. Ill let ya know if it works XD.


Btw does SKY UI need to be used for these? I had it once for skyrim and it was super laggy trying ot avoid it unless there is a better version

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Sky UI was laggy? Damn that's beyond unfortunate if so. It's easily a must-have mod alongside the unofficial patches. For me.


That aside, I was also going to suggest just using the console. I use it myself at certain points so I can track progress, as well as if I'm switching characters/testing a new mod etc.


SkyUI Is most likely needed for any save/profile manager as you'd have to setup options for it.

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yeah it lagged each time i opened my inventory it was weird. im using Savegame Manager V 1.5 atm and it works perfect wiht out the Sky UI


I might give SKY UI a nother try or unless there is a newer version out there

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