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Would you....


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1. Pick up a dirty penny in the middle of a public bathroom?

2. Cheat on your diet just this once?

3. Betray your Oblivion for Fallout 3?

4. Take a clown seriously?

5. Take a serial killers word that he will not take another life?

6. Save a kitten from a tree?

7. Save a baby from a tree? (OF COURSE!)

8. Save yourself from a tree at the expense of another life that could plunge 500 feet below you since that tree over looks a high cliff?

9. Betray your friend for 500,000 dollars?

10.Put a pop up axe in a crate and pretend you can't open it?

11.Cause an avalanch as a prank?

12.Crank call the Pentagon?

13.Start a protest?

14.Slip laxadents into the punch bowl?

15.Dress up as the opposite sex and act like them for a day?

16.Sneak into the opposite sex bathroom?

17.Spy on your boyfriend/girlfriend?

18.Pretend to have a mental breakdown for attention?

19.Steal gum?

20.Make the Portal cake and serve it for dinner for your boss?

21.Stick a used tissue on someone's back because there is no trash can near by or because your too lazy?

22.Shoot an arrow at a squrrel in archery class? (True story, I'll tell you later.)

23.Throw peanuts out a bus window at passing cars into the opened passenger window?

24.Believe there is cake?

25.Answer the banana phone?

26.Follow Gman? (Bad career move!)

27.Become little bunny fu fu?

28.Sing an embarrasing jingle in public?

29.Continue to chew the everlasting gum?

30.Answer "It's a jackle!" when playing sheriads? (Yeah I can't spell so I don't know if that's right.)

31.Dot your I's with hearts?

32.Switch your body with your dog's?

33.Self destruct?

34.Vacuum your nose?

35.Crawl under the house?

36.Steal a biker's bike?

37.Knock over a biker's bike?

38.Refuse to respect the poutch?

39.Pull the plug?

40.Beg for money?

41.Attempt to purposely jump in front of car's to get compensation money?

42.Believe all the you hear?

43.Believe all that you read?

44.Swear to an ambassador of another country?

45.rooster a luegi at a police officer?

46.Spit for distance?

47.Go cow tipping?

48.Throw a rock at a hornet's nest just as an old couple is passing over it.

49.Scream at the sky?

50.Cook your food in a toilet?

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1. Maybe

2. No need for diet :P

3. Already did

4. NO

5. No

6. Yes

7. Yes

8. No

9. No






15.Hell no

16.Yes xD


18.Yes xD

19.No ? -.-


21.No -.-



24.lol wtf ?

25.huh ?





30.huh ?



33.Hell no

34.Hell no


36.Maybe xD

37.Yes XD


39.lol ?


41.lol no



44.Yes XD

45.huh ?

46.huh ?






Some questions are plain confusing.

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Well I didn't expect everyone to fully understand it. Some questions come form family guy, some from commericals, some from games, and the one where it says rooster a luegi, I don't know why it put rooster, I didn't put rooster, if so it was a mistake and I assume you know what I meant.
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1. Pick up a dirty penny in the middle of a public bathroom? ummm no

2. Cheat on your diet just this once? maybe

3. Betray your Oblivion for Fallout 3?-1. Betrays both and plays Mass effect 2 for awhile.

4. Take a clown seriously? No

5. Take a serial killers word that he will not take another life? No i wouldn't take a life at all.Continues to eat a bowl of cereal.

6. Save a kitten from a tree? ??? :teehee:

7. Save a baby from a tree? (OF COURSE!) Calls 911 from my cell phone. Also cats in the same tree :unsure:

8. Save yourself from a tree at the expense of another life that could plunge 500 feet below you since that tree over looks a high cliff? branche brakes and we both fall, oh knows :ohmy: .

9. Betray your friend for 500,000 dollars? no

10.Put a pop up axe in a crate and pretend you can't open it? no stupid

11.Cause an avalanch as a prank? no stupid

12.Crank call the Pentagon? you mean prank call, no.

13.Start a protest? no

14.Slip laxadents into the punch bowl? dumb plus stupid

15.Dress up as the opposite sex and act like them for a day? no

16.Sneak into the opposite sex bathroom? umm mayb err, depends on who it is.

17.Spy on your boyfriend/girlfriend? umm i don't know i don't think so

18.Pretend to have a mental breakdown for attention? yes

19.Steal gum? no

20.Make the Portal cake and serve it for dinner for your boss? I wish i knew how to make cake.

21.Stick a used tissue on someone's back because there is no trash can near by or because your too lazy? no I'm an adult, i wouldn't think of.it

22.Shoot an arrow at a squirrel in archery class? (True story, I'll tell you later.) no

23.Throw peanuts out a bus window at passing cars into the opened passenger window? no

24.Believe there is cake? yes

25.Answer the banana phone? maybe

26.Follow Gman? (Bad career move!) no

27.Become little bunny fu fu? no

28.Sing an embarrassing jingle in public? no

29.Continue to chew the everlasting gum? no hate gum

30.Answer "It's a jackle!" when playing sheriads? (Yeah I can't spell so I don't know if that's right.)Dont like that game charades :verymad:

31.Dot your I's with hearts? no

32.Switch your body with your dog's? no

33.Self destruct? maybe

34.Vacuum your nose? no

35.Crawl under the house? no my house has a basement.

36.Steal a biker's bike? no

37.Knock over a biker's bike? no

38.Refuse to respect the poutch? umm respect what punch?

39.Pull the plug? umm yes depends on whats the situation is.

40.Beg for money? all the time :biggrin:

41.Attempt to purposely jump in front of car's to get compensation money? no

42.Believe all the you hear? no

43.Believe all that you read? no

44.Swear to an ambassador of another country? umm no?

45.rooster a luegi at a police officer? ????? :teehee:

46.Spit for distance? yes

47.Go cow tipping? no

48.Throw a rock at a hornet's nest just as an old couple is passing over it. no stupid idea

49.Scream at the sky? no

50.Cook your food in a toilet? no eww


Well i have answered

Edited by Thor.
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1. Pick up a dirty penny in the middle of a public bathroom? No!

2. Cheat on your diet just this once? Dont have a diet

3. Betray your Oblivion for Fallout 3? Never played Oblivion

4. Take a clown seriously? Never

5. Take a serial killers word that he will not take another life? No

6. Save a kitten from a tree? Yes

7. Save a baby from a tree? Depends who owns the baby.

8. Save yourself from a tree at the expense of another life that could plunge 500 feet below you since that tree over looks a high cliff? Hmmmmm... Ill get back to you on that!

9. Betray your friend for 500,000 dollars? Well, I'd make my worst enemy my friend, then yes I would

10.Put a pop up axe in a crate and pretend you can't open it? Who's meant to be opening it?

11.Cause an avalanch as a prank? Yes!

12.Crank call the Pentagon? Even more of a yes!

13.Start a protest? Depends

14.Slip laxadents into the punch bowl? Have done before

15.Dress up as the opposite sex and act like them for a day? ...

16.Sneak into the opposite sex bathroom? maybe

17.Spy on your boyfriend/girlfriend? What are they doing?

18.Pretend to have a mental breakdown for attention? When I was 4 years old...

19.Steal gum? About 200 packets over the years.

20.Make the Portal cake and serve it for dinner for your boss? Yes!

21.Stick a used tissue on someone's back because there is no trash can near by or because your too lazy? Hm... Nah.

22.Shoot an arrow at a squrrel in archery class? Probably.

23.Throw peanuts out a bus window at passing cars into the opened passenger window? Yes!

24.Believe there is cake? No, Never

25.Answer the banana phone? Hm...

26.Follow Gman? I've tried a few times.....

27.Become little bunny fu fu? ??

28.Sing an embarrasing jingle in public? "I'm a lumberjack & i'm okay..."

29.Continue to chew the everlasting gum? Mmmm, tasty.

30.Answer "It's a jackel!" when playing sheraids? No comment

31.Dot your I's with hearts? No

32.Switch your body with your dog's? Just so I can chase people around :happy:

33.Self destruct? Who am I standing around?

34.Vacuum your nose? No.

35.Crawl under the house? Already have.

36.Steal a biker's bike? No

37.Knock over a biker's bike? Yes :teehee:

38.Refuse to respect the pouch? ???

39.Pull the plug? No

40.Beg for money? Not unless I have to.

41.Attempt to purposely jump in front of car's to get compensation money? Hehehehe...

42.Believe all the you hear? No

43.Believe all that you read? No

44.Swear to an ambassador of another country? Yes!

45.Spit a loogie at a police officer? Probably not

46.Spit for distance? Occasionally

47.Go cow tipping? No

48.Throw a rock at a hornet's nest just as an old couple is passing over it. Maybe :yes:

49.Scream at the sky? Only if im insane.

50.Cook your food in a toilet? Never.

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Don't have much time. I just answer a few. Hope you don't mind.


1. Pick up a dirty penny in the middle of a public bathroom?

Sure, it maybe lucky.

3. Betray your Oblivion for Fallout 3?

Absolutely, as long someone gives me a X360

4. Take a clown seriously?


5. Take a serial killers word that he will not take another life?

Never, I might be next.

6. Save a kitten from a tree?


7. Save a baby from a tree? (OF COURSE!)

I rather called for help. Of course

11.Cause an avalanch as a prank?

Yes (you don't have to hurt or kill someone, just scare them a bit)

22.Shoot an arrow at a squrrel in archery class? (True story, I'll tell you later.)

No way.

24.Believe there is cake?

There is no such thing

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1. No

2. If I can't help it

3. Oblivion Forever

4. If there not working

5. No

6. Yes

7. Yes

8. Save the other one

9. No






15.Never Never Never










25.No unless there is something wrong with me.


27.No unless there is something wrong with me.

28.No unless there is something wrong with me.







35.I have a basement



38.unless the dog attacks me

39.If I don't wish to continue

40.If Im poor




44.Depends If I like Them





49.No unless there is something wrong with me.


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