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Weapons of Choice


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Melee - HF Blade

Side Arm - MK 23 with full SOCOM

Assualt - AS VAL or HK416 for close quarters

Sniping - AI AWSM for long range sniping or VSS Vintorez for covert

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I play a character who scavenges and hunts for food and only goes into town for things like supplies.


My main weapons are very stealth oriented.


1. Inflitrator(or Preflibulator, whichever one is the unique version)


2. Paulson's Revolver


3. Trench Knife




Also, I use the Medic Power Armor.

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Pistol:Silenced 10mil Glock


CQB:MP40 SMG in 10mm (By way of talon company)


Mid Range:Talon Company Carbine (Shorther version of vanilla assault rifle, slightly higher ROF and lower damage, I have my own personal high damage mod....that also makes assault rifles able to hit targets smaller than chimera tanks. Usually set to 3 round burst, really cuts down those damn ants)


Long Range:WA2000 sniper (for those tricky long range scenarios when you want to explode a head without being in the same cell -Auto aim fix headshot deluxe, I swear by it at any range- Typical range is "so far that I actually have to accaunt for bullet drop" due to the 7 gravity on the speed 70 000 projectile).


Top that off with an M79 Grenade launcher for when things need to explode and place the user inside a set of talon combat armour and a Vault security vest. Complete look with Backpack and optional Nazi helmet w/ biker goggles (for those really intense firefights the extra 8 DR really comes in handy).

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I use either the Jingwei Shocksword or the Shishkebab. That, and for a ranged threat I pull out the MLXP Novasurge/Gauss Rifle.


And for my armour, I use the Leather Rebel along with my Type V mod (for teh hawtness), but in high-combat situations I use the Tesla Armor. When the element of stealth is called for, I use the Chinese Stealth Suit.


Also, what does the term "vanilla," mean?

Edited by Raella69
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I play FWE, WMK, EVE. I am usually specialize in sneak but chose explosives instead.

I must say, the weapon i most frequently use, if i have any, is the frag grenade :)

Next comes Plasma Rifle.

Third would be 232 pistol.


I love the Deathclaw Glove. My next character will definately specialize in melee :)

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1) Barrett M99 (M82) from eXCalibr


2) Custom Eagle, also from eXCalibr


3) Telekinesis


4) My own modified rocket launcher that fires 5 SATCOM nukes, for those... tricky enemies.


I tend to mix up my arsenal a little, depending on how destructive I'm feeling.

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Only significant change is WMK


Alien Blaster+Scope


Waser Wifle+Extended Clips, Auto fire, Laser Sight, Scope

Barret m82

FN FAL SD Scoped

Frag Mines

Laser Pistol+Auto Fire. Extended Clips(60 shots XD)



Cant figure out how to quote stuff but:

I modded a laser pistol to fire satcom strikes XD

And a shotgun to fire 6 missiles. Fun!

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