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Several reanimations at the same time


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I would like someone to make a mod where you can reanimate people/create a zombie for you spell and that it could last permanently or have another one that only lasts for a limited amount of time. However I would like these spells to be able to have several reanimations at the same time and not just one zombie. Normally if you reanimate a corpse and then another one the first corpse will turn to ash however I would like a spell where that won't happen.


If someone could make a spell or spells like this I would be really happy.



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If you look at the Twin Souls or the Ritual perk you can see how to give yourself multiple summons.

You can only have two summons with the Twin Souls perk I would like to be able to make atleast 20.


And how do you do that?

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Open the creation kit, locate the twin souls perk. Right click, select duplicate. Open the only perk entry. Change the number from 2 to 20. Give it to yourself via console.


Or download the file below. Go to a forge. Create the spell tome Raise 20 Zombies. Read it. Summon 20 zombies. I take no responsibility for crashes due to excessive summons.




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