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Anyone else miss Zombies?


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I tend to every now and then think about Oblivion zombies while tromping through a nordic ruin killing draugr and hoping a deathlord doesn't one shot me. Anyone else?

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Geez, was gonna say something, got to thinking about Oblivion, and forgot. Have too many video game memories. Oh well, c'mon Lydia, grab that BFG and we'll go hunt some imps. Wait... I mean cliff racers.



Edited by Lord Garon
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I always thought the zombies in Oblivion were the most pathetic attempt at adding some darkness to that all-too happy and bright game that Bethesda could have tried. They were allowed comical Ken-dolls, with miscolourdd skin (a corpse doesn't turn green) stupid expressions and anatomically bizzare injuries.


Everything about them was wrong, and frankly I'm glad they are gone.

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I remember my first encounter with a zombie from oblivion! I loved it, it would of been cool if Beth made a zombie that was rather more...........scary to see.

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Kinda sorta, in the sense that fighting draugr get repetative after a while.


I don't particularly miss the super dangerous Dread Zombies from Oblivion (zombies aren't supposed to be that powerful!) but I do miss the greater variation of undead. I thought the wraiths and ghosts who can only be damaged by certain weapons were a nice touch, (As opposed to Skyrim ghosts who can be killed with any weapon for some reason.) I also think it would be nice to run into a lich who isn't a Dragon Priest, maybe different types of skeletons, and yes, zombies - at least while dealing with necromancers and the like. The undead thralls don't really count, I think, since they're basically just regular bandits who turn into ash when you kill them.


On a related note, it seems the only corpses you find in Skyrim are burned into kebab, skeletons, draugr mummies or completely intact NPCs. In Oblivion, finding dead people could actually be kinda unsettling, especially if they were impaled on stakes or hanging from the ceiling.

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Indeed, I feel like in Skyrim the undead don't feel as visceral. I don't exactly miss the slow moaning zombies of Oblivon (they scared the crap out of me to be honest) but draugr don't carry the classical undead vileness imo, and nor do dragon priests. Even the corpses of NPCs you find are usually in perfect condition if not for a few wounds and the ones wrapped in spider cocoons.

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Yeah I was hoping for some Zombies but I guess they went extinct in the 200 years after oblivion lol. I don't miss the wraiths and ghosts!! Almost every single time I encountered them I didn't have anything to damage them. More variety would have been great and some truly grotesque necro pets would have been awesome instead of using fresh bodies or skeletons with brittle bone disease. Gimme that one armed puss bag of a minion!

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