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Sports in Skyrim


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I figured skyrim would have sports like soccer or rugby. I think a boxing mod would be easy to make, competing to be the hold champion then going against other champs to be the undisputed champ of Skyrim. Then get a purse to defend title. Skyrim already has a brawl feature. No armor no weapons no shouts just unarmed combat one on one, I think it would be a great side quest and way to make a few extra septiums.

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Maybe there could be a Skyrim olympics, your are the athlete from whiterun and have to compete in foot races,long jumps, boxing, fencing, Ice spike skeet shooting, swimming, archery, obsticle courses. Going against NPCs then maybe over all scores could be compaired across the nexus?

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Would not be fair for the NPCs of those of us who use mods like Vampiric Thirst and Better Vampire's where you can increase your own running speed to the point where stands still

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I've found something, take a look.




There is a Quidditch Field in this mod but; I dunno whether you can play Quidditch. Probably not in my opinion. Maybe you should try this mod and tell us if you can Quidditch in this mod.


Actually, we can count hunting as a sport in Skyrim in addition to this.


Have a good game dude. :smile:

Edited by CompanyOfGamers
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