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Oblivion Online Chat


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Don't get me wrong; I'm not asking for another Oblivion Online, but wouldn't it be possible and pretty cool to have a chat application like Skype or w/e running from within Oblivion? I think this would be a lot of fun and there could be a server where you could connect to other users who are playing Oblivion, and just talk about what you're doing, share experiences etc. It seems pretty easy to me but I don't know much about modding and internet. What do y'all think?
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Haha...Hm...maybe this one is possible. It sounds more feasible in the first place...but yes you'll need someone with online skills.

Try posting the same thing on the bethsoft forums, I think you'll have a bigger chance someone will pick it up there.


But yeah, I'd like to see this one as well :laugh: .

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Good idea, but I'd like to add this here as well: http://www.moddb.com/mods/obliviononline/images/the-gui-1 OblivionOnline already had a chat featured in it. So it seems at least they got this far... looks to me like it can be done.
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