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I have spell induced butteries follow me around www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54572/? who die for me and I have spells that make it rain meteors as Alduin does, there are even mods that give my tits collision, so why on Earth is no one replacing the rain in the game with rain that for the most part collides? It could follow us (I think rain already does just follow us, so that's no big difference) like a meteor spell cast onto us from the sky colliding with whatever gets in its way if it has to.


I am requesting a rain replacer. I imagine it's intended to load after any weather mods so that it overrides them or whatever. Instead of gigantic explosions caused by meteor impacts which the game can obviously handle quite well, it would simply splash a little 2D splash on objects that already have collision. If big ass meteor explosions raining all over the place is possible (which I assume is already a weather pattern like oblivion sky was in TESIV Oblivion), why not mere rain? In fact, I don't need it to be high resolution, no one does who need this feature itself, especially not those of us living in exterior homes such as Japan Lodge, it's not for people who need that high res stuff I guess, this mod would be a perfect alternative to Real Shelter, one compatible with mod building because it just outright collides instead of sticks a bunch of shower heads all around individual structures.


Freakin Minecraft has rain collision for Sephiroth sakes. Heck, do whatever minecraft itself does, whatever, just make it rain proper, please. Also, with Minecraft in mind, why didn't bazillion dollar corporation Bethesda do this in the first place like Rockstar Games does or the aforementioned indie ... Minecraft? Or you know ... pretty much every single other modern video game with weather?


TL;DR version: whenever it is going to rain, instead of vanilla rain, it rains this colliding rain instead, doesn't matter if it's consistent or dense or lower resolution or if initial versions don't splash, just make it happen, please, for the love of Sephiroth, someone make Skyrim at least on par with Minecraft in this regard :sad:

Edited by Doesntcareaboutname
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Have you checked out this and this?

I have actually, in fact, I mentioned Real Shelter in the OP and splashes are among the least of my concerns as implied by the OP, however thank you for trying.


What I really want is for a mod to just replace the vanilla rain altogether, not attach it to edges of vanilla shelters while you're under them (and sometimes not even under shelter leading to awkward moments) but make an alternative rain that (I guess follows the player around like so many spells and) doesn't clip through structures that already have collision, then it would be compatible with even non-vanilla structures added by mods such as exterior homes e.g. Japan Lodge. It shouldn't be too much of an FPS killer since raining meteors in the vanilla game isn't and even if it were, doesn't matter so long as this mod gets made, besides I do not care about how low res the rain need be.


It rains with collision in freaking Minecraft, yet somehow Skyrim utterly fails at rain? Someone needs to fix such an affront to logic (also the combat isn't as clunky in Minecraft).

Edited by Doesntcareaboutname
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  • 8 years later...


Have you checked out this and this?

I have actually, in fact, I mentioned Real Shelter in the OP and splashes are among the least of my concerns as implied by the OP, however thank you for trying.


What I really want is for a mod to just replace the vanilla rain altogether, not attach it to edges of vanilla shelters while you're under them (and sometimes not even under shelter leading to awkward moments) but make an alternative rain that (I guess follows the player around like so many spells and) doesn't clip through structures that already have collision, then it would be compatible with even non-vanilla structures added by mods such as exterior homes e.g. Japan Lodge. It shouldn't be too much of an FPS killer since raining meteors in the vanilla game isn't and even if it were, doesn't matter so long as this mod gets made, besides I do not care about how low res the rain need be.


It rains with collision in freaking Minecraft, yet somehow Skyrim utterly fails at rain? Someone needs to fix such an affront to logic (also the combat isn't as clunky in Minecraft).


8 years later and I'm still disgusted with Bethesda's lack of the most basic realism. Real Shelter seems like a buggy mess. I can't get it to work properly. It's a shame that the rain doesn't function better. If you're going for a survival feel, nothing increases realism like being warm and dry while it's raining outside.

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