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Wasteland resets on Enclave arrival


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Is the above a problem with a load order or just inherent to the game?

I proceed from the start doing missions like Those, Survival Guide & general exploring, yet when the Enclave arrive, previous "cleared areas" such as the sewers to GNR, some of the various Supermutant camps and Raiders, now have their original complement of folk even though i've been though and got all the items i want and killed all those around.

I know in reality that the areas could repopulate it's just a bit annoying that they all do in my gaming experience, so it seems like i have to clear everywhere twice, since they don't seem to respawn if i eliminate them after the escape from Project Purity.

Can i ask if this happens to others i.e. it's in the game, or whether it's a mods doing like the unofficial patch or another?

With thanks,


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as this game is designed


most areas respawn in 3 days


some respawn in 1


and one exceptional area seems to respawn on any fast travel to it.


so if this is not happening in your game


you have a mod preventing it.

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