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The Right to Bear Arms


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I can typify American firearms owners into three broad groups.


Fringe Element Wackos

These are the guys that get together every weekend to brink beer or smoke grass, shoot junker Chi Com surplus automatic weapons using crappy 7.62x39mm ball ammo. When they're done they recite pledges of allegiance surrounded by flags that symbolize things they have no real understanding of. The Ku Klux Klan and the Black Panthers are prime examples of these groups. When the media does a piece on gun control they resort to these groups as 'reasons' gun control is needed. IF the government started a serious crackdown on private gun ownership these groups would be the first ones to die stupidly or simply throw down their weapons and run like the cowards they are.



As criminals are sociopaths and don't respect others or the law they will keep their weapons regardless of what the government might say or do. They don't care.


Lawful Citizens

We would be the ones who suffer the most as we are easy targets for government crackdowns. Our guns would be the first to be confiscated, since many of us have proper licenses and there are government records. I will happily give my registered $210.00 22Lrifle revolver, since it's the only firearm I own. Anything else I don't have I didn't buy before February 28, 1994.


This is what we have in the UK, only criminals and whackos have them, it leaves the law abiding defenceless.

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This is what we have in the UK, only criminals and whackos have them, it leaves the law abiding defenceless.


Which considerably lowers the chance to get killed in a heroic shootout for the 5 Euros in your pockets, or even more worse - to kill an innocent by night from sheer fear and only then asking "Who's there?"

After having spent my youth in Israel I know already that next to the suicide bomber the fearful one that cries for a gun is probably the most dangerous person on earth when armed, for his latent advance towards overreaction when he feels pressured (and all alone) is an incalculable, thus inacceptable risk for the society. And those who need a gun merely as pill for their virility I have to say, from woman to man: That doesn't work...


Shabbat Shalom


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. And those who need a gun merely as pill for their virility I have to say, from woman to man: That doesn't work...



To paraphrase a Marine buddy of mine "This is my weapon and this is my gun, one is for fighting the other for fun"

I know that I am not isolated in being aware of the difference, lastly no one knows until point of contact what their instinctive reaction will be.

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Using psycho-babble about men owning firearms or sports cars or other material items is something argumentative and spiteful little girls do to get attention. :woot:



As for myself, I really am a nice person in spite of my incredibly large gun. :thumbsup:



I have plenty of friends who were kibbutzniks or served in the IDF and they toted Uzis to the grocery store and everywhere else they went. They never had to walk anywhere because people would stop to give them a lift. How many countrys are there where people will stop to give a machinegun packing young man they don't know a ride? They were loved by the Israeli cititzens they volunteered to protect except for a very small number of younger people who would turn their noses up at them in contempt. But by and large they said the Israelis appreciated their weapon-packing presence.

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The State Of Israel is indeed a case in point. A small country surrounded by hostile millions who would like to wipe them off the planet. But they know what will happen if they try - the armed and ready populace, led by the IDF, will send them packing with rather more than a bloody nose, as they have many times before.


@Surenas, I wonder how many men from the gun-owning fraternity you have met?

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This is what we have in the UK, only criminals and whackos have them, it leaves the law abiding defenceless.


Which considerably lowers the chance to get killed in a heroic shootout for the 5 Euros in your pockets, or even more worse - to kill an innocent by night from sheer fear and only then asking "Who's there?"

After having spent my youth in Israel I know already that next to the suicide bomber the fearful one that cries for a gun is probably the most dangerous person on earth when armed, for his latent advance towards overreaction when he feels pressured (and all alone) is an incalculable, thus inacceptable risk for the society. And those who need a gun merely as pill for their virility I have to say, from woman to man: That doesn't work...


Shabbat Shalom



You get knifed instead.

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You get knifed instead.


ROTFL...Old Chicago saying: "Never bring a knife to a gun fight".


At least not in DK. New weapon law:

1. No guns for private persons, exept hunters.

2. No knifes longer than 2 inches in the public. Break the law and face 2 weeks in prison!!


Carpenters who usually wear knifes in public, have troubles with this law, some have been in jail.


The law was ment to get the knifes out of the night-life, but it failed totally.

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At least not in DK. New weapon law:

1. No guns for private persons, exept hunters.

2. No knifes longer than 2 inches in the public. Break the law and face 2 weeks in prison!!


The law was ment to get the knifes out of the night-life, but it failed totally.



1a) How does a hunter transport a weapon into the field legally from their residence without going into the 'public' zone?

1b) Do you require land ownership for a hunting permit?


2a)Never heard of any protection for knives in any countries founding codicil's, but two inches is just a pen knife.

I think that incarceration is a little steep for the innocuous offences (ie: tradesmen) and unenforceable for the more deadly variants.


Iit's your country to do with as you see fit: so I may assume the majority were in favor of such legislation?

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That Danish law sounds about as ludicrous as our British ones. And over here the knife bit would run you into problems with certain religious groups who as part of their beliefs declare that they need to carry rather large knives. Also in Britain, licensed livestock slaughter men/women are among the very few categories of people, apart from police and armed services, who are allowed to have sidearms. So a veterinarian, or a huntsman (hunt servants usually have a stock license), or a butcher, could have on their person a pistol or captive bolt gun without fear of being busted. In other words, that really would be a pistol in their pocket.
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