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Oscuro's Mod questions


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I'm getting back to Obilvion after a long time away, and I decided to try out the OOO mod, which I heard is quite god, but I have a few questions I was hoping someone might answer for me:


1. I understand the mod does not autolevel mobs to your own, and that they are fixed at a given level. How does this work with other quest mods you import? Do the mobs contained within the quest mod autolevel, or are they fixed at a particular level like OOO?


2. Are they any recommended mods to run in conjunction with OOO?


3. What alternate leveler of choice do you recommend to use the the mod?


4. What mods don't work with OOO that you are aware of? (Not including the mods that come bundled with it).


Thanks so much!

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1. Quest areas do remain static, I believe, but unless they're really up there in a questline they aren't going to be nigh-impossible to beat. to be honest, while it isn't much fun in normal oblivion, OOO makes going into random dungeons somewhere in the world quite fun, with no rhyme or reason. try it out before going on quests


2. Look up FCOM. That'll answer your question


3. I'm not sure what you mean. if you mean what I think you mean, then Oblivion Experience (or something like that) can be used, as it has FCOM capability, which includes OOO. personally, I don't like to change the leveling system much


4. anything that changes a leveled list for a given area basically anywhere in the world, or changes a specific dungeon. I'd say avoid list changing mods, but if it changes a dungeon go for it - It'll only change that single one, but it may screw you up if it's part of an OOO specific quest

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