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spoiler tags


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spoiler tags


added in the forums are no longer having any effect when the post is displayed in the comment tab of a mod file page. Something to do with the upgrades I would guess, since the way they display in forums is also different than before..

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This is a


test of the emergency broadcast system. If you can see


, then you have perception beyond the normal range of a




Well, it seems that the spoiler tag has changed from an INLINE CSS element to a BLOCK element...which is not a good idea since we have grown to accept and use it as an INLINE element just as I have used in the 1st paragraph...which should be all on the same line...like this 2nd paragraph.



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I preferred it the old way as well since it could be used to make links unclickable without breaking their actual text. The advantage with the block method however is that now you can hide large images and other distracting elements within a spoiler tag instead of having people scroll past them just to see the rest of the thread every time.
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Maybe we could have our cake and eat it too!


SPOILER tag changed to the old INLINE method.

new SPOILERBOX tag added to work like the BLOCK method.



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Well, I like the new thing, it's more useful, but is there a button to insert the spoiler tags or do we have to type [spoiler)

every time we have something to hide ?

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is there a button to insert the spoiler tags or do we have to type [spoiler)

every time?In the editor, it is located in the dropdown menu called "Other styles"

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is there a button to insert the spoiler tags or do we have to type [spoiler)

every time?

In the editor, it is located in the dropdown menu called "Other styles"


Thanks. My theme icons are so small it's hard to spot all the new menu functions and with the dark theme on it even harder to spot them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spoiler effect is still not carrying through to the comments display on the file pages.

This test would be fully visible in the comments on a file page.



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