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ENB v0.254 - Shadows disappearing


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Hi everyone,

I have a little problem with my shadows in Skyrim, using Aeon ENB.

Shadows that aren't affected by the ENB's "detailed shadows" setting disappear when turning the camera around.

Here's an album to illustrate what I say, notice the planks's shadows on the roof and how they disappear as I turn the camera down : (imgur.com)/a/SJ49B (sorry about the crappy link but for some reason imgur won't let me share the normal link without an error, even though I made the album public...)

I did a little bit of research on my side, and found that this was related to the "fShadowBiasScale" variable in SkyrimPrefs.ini, although I couldn't fix it changing it.

When the variable is high (=0.6+), the bug is extremely noticeable. When it's low (=0.1-), it's less noticeable because some shadows remain compared to high settings. However, low variables introduce shadow stripping, which is less noticeable with an ENB but still causes weird character shadows.

As I said, these shadows aren't affected by the ENB's detailed shadows, so disabling them keeps the shadows that cause problem. However, these shadows seem to be caused (or should I said generated/rendered) by the ENB somehow, because disabling the ENB completely makes them invisible.

So, yeah. I'd love some help here :smile:

(sorry about posting here and not on the ENB forums, but whatever I post, my account gets disabled, so.. yeah.)

Thanks !

Edited by zGRD
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And if this helps, I have an EVGA GTX 770 CLassy, i7 4770k @4.5Ghz, and 16GB RAM @2133Mhz.

Running the 64bits version of Windows 7 Pro and latest version of Skyrim as well.

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