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Did aliens play a role in human civilization?


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I will say it depends who or rather what we call aliens. This earth as we know it today, has been bombarded with everything from small particles to large meteors, during billions of years. Without all this "stardust", or nutritments, we would not have any evolution of life as we see it to day. So yes, "aliens" have played their role in forming life on Earth, forming us.


Even if the collision effect of dead material is true for the eathly evolution a such, for it always had influenced the parameters for life on earth, like the climate, you seem to imply life in the particles - the directed or undirected panspermia, right? Any proof for the hypothesis?


No, none at all. Like many other hypothesis about life, this earth, this univers, nobody holds any evidence. Only speculations.


The defenders of The panspermia says that the fact of some virus and bacterias could survive low pressure, no air and hight radioactive environment like the space is a prof that microorganism could survive the travel inside a meteor or comet.

they also used the meteorite ALH 84001 as an example of how microorganism of a planet could travel to other.


And i remember a theory that HIV it's an alien Virus brought by a meteor ....

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The defenders of The panspermia says that the fact of some virus and bacterias could survive low pressure, no air and hight radioactive environment like the space is a prof that microorganism could survive the travel inside a meteor or comet.

they also used the meteorite ALH 84001 as an example of how microorganism of a planet could travel to other.


And i remember a theory that HIV it's an alien Virus brought by a meteor ....


More likely HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, is a (perhaps even artificially created) high mutagenic half-brother of the HEV virus among pigs, the pathogen of the known Encephalomyelitis.

Of course, a lot of things are, at least theoretically possible, but without any evidence these are pure arguments from silence. And as it is with the flight of blowball seeds we'd have to deal with chaos theory.



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More likely HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, is a (perhaps even artificially created) high mutagenic half-brother of the HEV virus among pigs, the pathogen of the known Encephalomyelitis.

Of course, a lot of things are, at least theoretically possible, but without any evidence these are pure arguments from silence. And as it is with the flight of blowball seeds we'd have to deal with chaos theory.



Or the from the primates mainly Gorillas or Chimpanzees , from hunters or even people who had sex with them... by the similarity between their Immunodeficiency disease with Aids

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Why shouldn't they, I mean with beings so intelligent that make equations calculating (or should we say speculating) the number of alien civilizations, or maybe, providing an antithesis that they don't exist at all, what better snack to grab?


if you think about it: how do you know you are choosing your choices or actions? you might be controlled by a super natural, super cool, bio-modified alien that uses you as a game?


oh wait a minute, do you mean Alien by Extraterrestrial life or something that you know nothing about? if the first one, then the answers are classified as: Human Delusions, Scientific Speculations, Dumb American's Conspiracy Theories, and etc. if by alien you are referring to something that you know nothing about, human mind can be your best answer, you know nothing about it and all you know is that "it" is in charge of "you".

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I still stick with the Big Bang theory, that states every star, planet even life comes from this litttle black hole that exploded some 13 billion years ago. How organic life could develop in this mess of chemestry, I can not explain, Perhaps Carbon played a role here, since Carbon is present in both organic and non-organic chemestry.

If aliens should have played a role, why have we not seen them, or at least traces of them.?

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(700th post for Balagor . . . because the triple post ! :teehee:)


I think it's a crazy coincidence for them to arrive here on earth (again, IF they exists), our universe is huge, and modern humans exists only from 200,000 years ago (at least that's what science said). It's also a big coincidence for them to exists near our time, and distance from here to their planet remains a factor. Sure they could invent a super fast transportaion, but there's nothing to explain how they found us.



Oh, by the way, I think in that video we travel with the speed of very very many years of light.

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@Ancient Aeon

Well there is a theory (always have a theory) that says the men kind had a great civilization about 100.000 years ago that had colonies in other words.

This civilization was completely destroyed in a series of war (still remember according the defenders in legends like the Flood, the fall of atlantis, The Mahabharata etc..) So what we call alien is most descents of settlers of our former colonies that preserved better the old technology.

yeap it's give a great sci-fi movie...

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If aliens should have played a role, why have we not seen them, or at least traces of them.?

They may not have played much a role in the creation of life (no species, alien, synthetic, or otherwise would wait around 6.5 trillion years just to have a conversation or some testament to their own glory). But, that doesn't mean that Alien species havn't come to explore or poke around on our planet at various points in history. Nearly every ancient culture has stories which could conceivably talk about encounters with extraterrestrials or weird craft. In some of these cultures, they're even named rather deliberately to imply that these beings came from the sky. Even in the Hebrew-Christian tradition, many things can arguably be interpreted in this light. Religion aside, all of these concepts HAD to have come from somewhere, and they HAD to be common enough for the same sort of consistency to exist across cultures, space, and time.

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Even in the Hebrew-Christian tradition, many things can arguably be interpreted in this light. Religion aside, all of these concepts HAD to have come from somewhere, and they HAD to be common enough for the same sort of consistency to exist across cultures, space, and time.

That might be just Kundalini Phenomena desribed in theses scriptures.

If poeple dont have it they wont be able to refer.


Rocking or light. All this things described like fire in the house is kundalini most certainly.

Angel beings and so forth. This stuff can pass by but must not.



Even today poeple dont know that it is all by mind.

Mind can be very diverse in the illusion it produces.


So when it goes what kundalini in essence is then all this stuff passes by.


Spring cleaning. :thumbsup:



One can also find it in aboriginies culture as rainbow snake and dreamtime or in the maya and egyptian traditions and of course in asia.

Simply self there is no alien.

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