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Simple Needs problems.


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I had the older version of Simple Needs for a long time, and it became pretty much my most important mod for Roleplaying.


Today however my copy of the GOTY arrived; so I installed the DLCs and updated to the current Simple Needs. I also downloaded the DLC additiosn to the mod.


Since then the mod hardly works; and i'm not sure if it's the DLC, the new version, or a mod conflict.


Even deactivating the mods, saving, then reactivating them has food and water no longer seeming to affect my intake value.


Even tried making a new character. It seems a couple of food types still work, but most don't.


I'll do without I guess until anyone can help; but please, I love this mod, if anyone knows whats up speak up. :(


Problem sorted. Sorry. ><

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Sadly I'm not eager to try PrimaryNeeds again. I used it at one point in the past and found myself eating and drinking so much I never had time to do anything but hunt for food and water. Like, three bottles of water at a time and four meals. I don't know if it was due to a confict or just the mod, but it was exessive. It was also harder to keep track of the needs if I remember right.


Simple Needs only requires 1 or 2 meals a day, and 1 bottle of pure water per day. It's enough to add depth but not take over the game completely. It also uses a Quest to track your needs in percentage; warning you at 100%, 60% and then 0% shortly before you start taking health damage.


Thanks for the thought though. =D




My previous problem was I had a momsent of idiocy. I activated a Food weight mod; which of course would could problems.

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