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Need help in the CK


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I'm trying to create a power with the speedmult association, yet every time i try and cast the power, nothing happens, if i set it as an a ability then it works but i don't want it to be on all the time. Now what am i doing wrong? can someone please help me? thank you

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If you add an effect to a character that alters speedmult, the character will continue to move at the normal speed until something triggers the game to recalculate the character's speed. Two examples are drawing/sheathing weapons or adding/removing items from inventory. Basically you need to add a script to your spell that places a small, non-zero weight item into the character's inventory for the duration of the spell, then removes it when the effect ends.

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Scriptname FrostSlowFixScript extends activemagiceffect  
{Tweaks the target's carry weight slightly to ensure the slow effect occurs.}

MiscObject property FrostSlowFixItem auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	akTarget.AddItem(FrostSlowFixItem, 1, true)


Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	akTarget.RemoveItem(FrostSlowFixItem, 999, true)


You have to promise to come back and tell me if it works. Do you know how to get it into the CK?

Edited by lofgren
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