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Kotor 2 is much better in story in my opinion, even though it was half complete. Kotor just felt mediocre to me, it was just repeating Star Wars movies all over again, e.g. Who knew that you were Revan :rolleyes: . If Kotor2 was done in the way Obsidian wanted to then it would be a great game, but they fell because of LA's greed. I felt more attached to Kreia than to any other Star Wars' female character in it's history.
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No hard feelings dude but .. kreia is bit**

She betray u and every one else i she wanted me to train handmaiden to the path of dark side i did it and she says betrayl do it on jedi way betreyal i mean what dose she want me to be.. what she want :S i never understand it :ninja: :ninja:

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I love both. Were it not for a few critical flaws, however, I would have little trouble deciding on KotOR as the better game, and here's why:


I like the character progression in KotOR II better- not only do your teammates talk to you, they talk to each other as well, and your actions influence how some of them develop throughout the game. However, there is a lot of wasted potential here- there is a lot that remains untold, unfinished, and agonizingly uncertain about almost every character, but especially with regards to the recurring party members from KotOR.


I like the item upgrading and crafting in KotOR II also; whereas I would change out party weapons several times over the run of the first game, I tend to only do so once or twice in the second because of all the potential upgrades.


I especially like the switchable weapon sets. It's a small change, but it makes a huge difference in combat when facing multiple types of enemies (especially since KotOR II has many more party-less sections than its predecessor). One click of a button and I can juggle between my lightsaber and a ranged weapon, or just between two lightsabers geared towards different foes. I'll just lump the combat forms in with this, because the function is similar- allowing a greater degree of flexibility in combat, which is good because...


Rather than giving enemies unique and threatening abilities, KotOR II unfortunately often relies on dropping large numbers of carbon-copy enemies in an area with either stupidly strong attacks or stupidly high HP. The two worst offenders are the secret hideout/arena on Nar Shaddaa and the canyons on Malachor V. To be fair, you'll sometimes just get a single enemy with an even more stupidly strong primary attack (a possible one-hit-kill, which I'm pretty certain is the only one of its kind in the game) on top of even more HP, when you have no party members to place at strategic points around the inescapable battlefield... and I think you know which critter I'm talking about here.


The point to the above is that there are only rarely alternate ways of defeating enemies; KotOR II forces you into direct combat no matter what your character build is. In the first game, it was frequently... no, usually possible to wipe out most of the mooks in a given area by either hacking a computer, or disabling some of their equipment, through dialogue, etc... if you happened to have rolled a tech-heavy or charisma-heavy character with weaker combat skills, you wouldn't always be completely shafted because you didn't have the HP to go toe-to-toe with the whole dungeon. I change up my class in KotOR; I am always a Guardian in KotOR II.


I should add a footnote to all that- I really, really do not enjoy party-less sections in games that depend heavily on party-based gameplay. If the game is going to give me a party, then I want to be able to use a party through the whole game, and if there are any sections where I can't (like the intro or a brief "you've been captured" bit), they should be kept short and not feature a whole glut of powerful mooks. For that matter, if I'm going to be given a small army of followers to choose from, there should not be lengthy sections when I am forced into using specific followers- else there's no point to even developing anyone besides those "chosen few." Both games lose points for that, IMHO, but KotOR II moreso because it happens so damn much. Just offhand, you have no party through much of Peragus (even though you technically already have two or three teammates), a section of Nar Shaddaa, a section of Korriban, a brief sequence on Telos, and through all of Malachor V. Together, they add up to several hours of gameplay. Specific party members are forced on you when on Onderon (twice) and when you board the Ravager. In contrast, KotOR has only a handful of short sections (each taking up no more than 20 minutes IIRC) where you have no party, and only one dungeon which forces you to use specific party members (even then, it is possible to not have one of them because of an earlier decision). Developers of party-based RPGs need to stop doing this.


Obviously, KotOR II also suffered greatly from a horrid case of Pushy Publisher. There isn't even a damn ending cutscene- it's a story-driven RPG; lacking a conclusion it loses a great deal of its luster.


That's more or less why I regard both games equally. The game mechanics are better in KotOR II; the overall RPG experience is better in KotOR. The overall story is stronger in KotOR; the characters and party interactions are stronger in KotOR II. Both are among the best WRPGs and are definite must-plays.

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Do u play kotor 1 or 2 or u play all of those 2 ?



Second: In ur opinion what is better kotor 1 or 2. if u played 2 or 1 tell me please.

KOTOR II's story is quite complicated and hard to understand, so you have to play the game couple of times to know the story well. But KOTOR II isn't as boring as KOTOR I after you played both a couple of times, Taris is just boring.


KOTOR I is great, but my notebook is just "ancient aeon" (pretty old). Come on, I thought Kashyyyk going to be really cool, all I see is grey, grey, grey.


Best of KOTOR I :

- HK-47


Best of KOTOR II :

- HK-47 (and Kreia)


Third: What would u like to change or add in kotor 2 or kotor 1 or both of them.

Multiple endings, like Heavy Rain. If can, make KOTOR looks a lot like Heavy Rain. (cool cutscenes, briliiant graphics, emotional story, multiple endings.)


In Heavy Rain, every character have their own seperate endings, depends much on the story. So it's not like one good and one bad ending, instead some characters can have good ending and the others can have bad ending.


Four: Did u play with cheats or with no cheats.

Cheats just for fun, if things getting harder I usually lower the difficulty to easy. In impossible situations, "heal" is a savior.


Five: Did u use mods or no

I use mods late at the game. Brotherhood of Shadow for KOTOR I is great.


Rate this games from 1 to 10. and tell reason of ur rate.

- KOTOR I : 9.3

- KOTOR II : 9.6

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No hard feelings dude but .. kreia is bit**

She betray u and every one else i she wanted me to train handmaiden to the path of dark side i did it and she says betrayl do it on jedi way betreyal i mean what dose she want me to be.. what she want :S i never understand it :ninja: :ninja:


Kreia wants the end of the force because she was betrayed by everyone and wants vengeance (and the point across both jedi and sith that her teachings are better). The exile was her tool for the downfall of the old ways. That's why I admire her and find her a great villain. Malak reminds me of some disturbed guy who can't get a girl so instead he steals one and hopes for the best. Kotor2 would have had a better story if it wasn't for LA :dry:

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both games are ten especially if you are huge fan of star wars. i know i did hate kreia and her whole blabla with a passion. that was just dragging the game along.

cheats and mods? seriously? the game clearly

has been designed for neither. from my pov

it is fast food rpg on highest niveau, which

can be replayed once or even twice, but

then it is really over for good.

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Not going to answer the question format, but in paragraph.


KoTOR 1 had a MUCH better story line, KoTOR 2 was a Bioshock 2. We already understood the universe but they pushed us back through Korriban etc.. The first one had much more life in it, 2nd one reminded me of a underpopulated galaxy holocaust.

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The second one rules because HK-47 is better there. And because the characters are like real people, they have feelings, great stories and great personality. Comparing the second one with the first one is like comparing the original trilogy with the new trilogy.


Listen to Kreia's great wisdom, yes she's evil, but if you're evil, that's a great thing isn't it ?

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