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Does time exsist?


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I don't know exactly what relationship time has to the universe...

The relation is called "motion". And time is a function of motion.


Yes I know but exactly what that relationship is,is not something I fully understand

Whats not to understand? Motion can be expressed as a function of time, ie, the equations of motion?

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Alrighty then let's do a quick scientific experiment ... it's 10:10 PM, hmmm just hang in their a bit ... tick tock tick tock tick tock ... hey it just turned 10:11PM ... guess what ?


What? :laugh:


That's not proof of time Burnagirl, that's just what you precieve.





Alright sunshine, let me put it another way then ... a few days ago I was asked "what is truth" ?

My response was this (and hopefully it will provide a clearer understanding on where I'm coming from), "truth is anything you are able to measure, quantify or prove to be factual".

Truth is NOT theory, ideas or imaginations ... it must be measureable and open to and subject to scrutiny and testing.

Time is such a truth because it can be measured, hence my little " ... tick tock ... hey it just turned 10:11PM ..." illustration.

However, I do have a theory concerning time and because I cannot prove it, it remains a theory ... but for your sake here it is;


I believe that we exist in a universe that needs time in order for it to work or function and that beyond this dimension of measurable time is a place which I simply call eternity.

We (the universe or cosmos or whatever you want to call it) exist in a "time bubble" whithin this dimension of eternity.

I'd like to elaborate further but well let me just let it rest there.


Cheers Keanumoreira nice talking to you again.


You can believe that, but its unlikely time has anything to do with some universal balance.


As I said before, time is nothing more then our view of light.


When you see a star explode from a telescope, it would have happened years ago. That's simply due to the traveling of light.


Well that's not true Maharth take away all light and the desk your sitting at would still age and decay yet it gives forth no light.If it was just a matter of light then the desk would cease that process and become stuck or frozen if you will in its current state.Its decay is a result of the motion of the atoms within its structure.The traveling of light itself is just a medium which we use to give value to time.


Think of it this way ,if you strike a match in a pitch black room and hold it out at arms length ,then bring up your other arm til the light reflects off your hand ,is that light traveling from the flame to your hand the fire or is it the molecular (even atomic) process that occurs within the flame that is the fire.


I don't know exactly what relationship time has to the universe ,but its plain to see the it is an element of its construct and like a house it has to have balance within that construct or otherwise it would all fall down or cease to function or be.


What your saying is not time, its just a perception that we see as something going forward.


A house falls down yes, but the house doesn't fall down is a certain line of time. Its just a processing thing your brain does to be able to understand what happened.


Past, Present, and Future are part of our brains biological clock.


Now the reason time does not have some connection to the balance of the universe is because its only a biological feature that it happens.


As I said before, in order for a creature to evolve they will need this biological clock. Without it, they will see a falling house as a single process, and they will see everything else as a single process.


So this "time" everyone keeps speaking of is not time at all, the forward continuation of matter and energy is not time.


If you want to have a debate about why the universe has a forward continuation of matter and energy that would be impossible. The human brain can not understand that, the same way the human brain can't understand how there could be no start to something.


A very excellent point, and I agree.


These are things people, or any intelligent beings in fact, were not meant to know, or in this case, still don't understand. We will never know how our universe began, or how these theories we place forth really apply if overly complicated for our fragile minds.


Wow there are so many quoted posts in this one think I'm going through a time warp


Yep. :laugh:

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