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Does time exsist?


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Time is relative, I heard if you got a ship that can go the speed of light, and you were to travel to the nearest star, about 4 light years, only about 1 months time would have passed for the occupants aboard the ship, but 4 years would have passed for people stationary on Earth. So there and back would be 8 years, when the occupants on board only aged roughly 2 months. So you basically traveled in the future, from Earths perspective. Now if lets say everyone had access to the ability to travel at light speed, to and from Earth, time on Earth would basically be irrelevant.


Going light speed and how that correlates to time on earth is still just a measurement within the wake of time which in we third dimensional beings exist .Time isn't relative to how we measure it ,but our measurement is relative to it.So no time is not relative but the manner in which we measure and define it is.


Holy jees wouldn't let me out of the post page and when it does I find it triple posts ,could someone remove the excess please

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Ill try make this short, I am honestly surprised this came up...


Time does exist, but its not anything but a word for something.


Time is nothing more then a way to understand the process of moving forward and keeping track of your life...


It has been proven that intelligent creatures have a "biological clock" within there brain that allows them to keep time. This most developed in evolution in order to understand our needs for sleep, hunger, and mating.


The only reason we have this biological clock is due to the sun really.


Now how do we keep time? We keep it based on distances. Time only really exists to us due to distance. The reason time "slows down" when you reach light speed? Its because your going at such a long distance "time" is hard to keep up with.


In all reality, time=light...


We tell time from the rotation of the earth, we tell it from that due to the spinning in relation to the sun, and the sun can be seen due to the light.


You might say, well we can use other senses to tell time! That might be true, but how can you see other things without light? You would live in complete darkness due to your eyes not being able to adjust. You might be able to develop better senses to see however...


It would be impossible for something to evolve past very small live forms without life, in fact is probably impossible for anything to live...


In order for life to happen as we know it, you will need some heat. The only way you can create heat naturally is to have light. Without a source of heat nothing can evolve.


So yes, time does exist within our own minds. It does not exist outside of our minds. Time is simply a perception that develops within our brains due to the natural process of evolution.

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Alrighty then let's do a quick scientific experiment ... it's 10:10 PM, hmmm just hang in their a bit ... tick tock tick tock tick tock ... hey it just turned 10:11PM ... guess what ?


What? :laugh:


That's not proof of time Burnagirl, that's just what you precieve.

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Well it depends on what you think time is...


I say time does exist, not anywhere outside of our heads... But it still exists.


Our minds also exist, not anywhere outside of our head (that we know of).


So yes, time does exist. Its not what some people think it is. Time isn't some kind of magic universe balancer.

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