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Quest(s) I Hate


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Which quest(s) you hate the most?


Quest I hate are:


Mages Guild's _Finger of the Mountain_ quest - makes my head hurts; it may be short, but simply, arghhh.......

Thieves Guild's _Arrow of Extrication_ quest - simply makes preasure on me to turn off Oblivion... :unsure:

_Whom Gods Annoy_ quest - escorting scamps? come on now....

_Separated at Birth_ (including Legacy Lost and Sins of the Father) quest - I just never had fun playing this one. Reward is great, but i'm already sleeping... :sleep:


I like EVERY quest in Shivering Isles, but do you like them all?

There are few more quests I hate, but I can't remember now.


What makes you to say "Boring, boring, boring !"?

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I forget the name of it. The Pale Pass Bruma quest where you follow the clues in the diary and uncover long lost tragedy.


It's lame because all the landmarks are right f'ing next to each other!!! And the diary is written like it's some grand Indiana Jones journey of long lost civilization. Dragon Claw rock looks nothing of the sort, it's just some boulders, and while I can appreciate the ravages of time and all that, it sure was kinder to the statue that's 10 yards away. Not to mention the Journal update describing a rock that was supposed to be majestic and awe inspiring.


I wanted to go on a hero's journey. I wanted to traverse the mountain wilds and use clues in the text to figure out my next move. I wanted to have to climb to the heights to get a look around and spot the next landmark. I wanted a sense of history and adventure.


Instead I got big bright quest markers directing me to the nearest 7-11. And of course the leveled reward was a big slap in the face as well. :mad:


The lore behind it said it was a thousand years old. Well, after a thousand years, nothing would be left. These are the mountains, not the vacuum of space. Why does fantasy always make everything an epic thousand year legend? Why can't it just be like 50 years old? The fort model is really cool. It's one of my favorite parts of the game. But it's not a thousand years old. Screw lore if all those forts are supposed to be a thousand years old. If they're a hundred yeas, I'll buy it.


And I got to listen to a chorus of crickets chirruping away as I made my way home in a blizzard. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Epic, epic fail. Someone needs to be smacked for this. The plus side was, the cave and the fort itself were cool.



Also, Garridan's Tears. It has the hero's journey element. It has the cool backstory element.


But the tears themselves are microscopic, and you're dying from the cold spell, and there's monsters all around, AND the havoc engine makes them fly all over the place if you walk across them.



Did Bethesda actually sit down and play their own game? I really wonder just how much testing went on sometimes.

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The weatherlee (?) quest is my most hated. I mean why, how, just . . . Aghhhhh! Maybe it is just me but the whole quest is a big pointless running around, aside from the fact of new locations being found.


The Garridan's Tears! :rolleyes: I have to agree it just was interesting, yes, but long and confusing to me at times.

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My list seems to be endless,but I will only spit out a few.


I hate the quest where I need to follow Modryn Oreyn in Arpenia.He walks damn slow and it's just a tutorial to see how the traps are working inside,I guess.And Modryn took a chance to show his 'guild champion' skill,giving some merciless beatings to the rats and mudcrabs with a morning star,then,whoa,the real bad guys aren't even there.Then you become an errant-boy again,doing the real work while 'the champion' and the rest of the 'tough guild mercs' are practicing their skills which they never use and having ridiculous conversations in the warmth of the guild.Boring and pointless. :ermm:


Then,Baurus and his 'undercover' work in the sewers.Oh,that's just a bad beat.Going through those damn sewers with him walking like he is blind,for 15 minutes...And then,what?When you play it for the first time,you expect that YOU will be the one who will need some protection against the Mythic Dawn members,and you look at Baurus,a blade,elite bodyguard of the emperor... :cool: Then,young Camoran comes in,and rips that picture in pieces with just a couple of blows. :mellow: Blades?Hell,even without mods,when I was bored,made a clean save,took Umbra,and finished the Cloud Ruler Temple in 10 minutes,reloaded that save,and thought 'What?'They should have made them stronger,after all they are the most elite warriors in Cyrodiil.Poorly done,for real.


Every recommendation for the Mages Guild.And every quest of the Mages Guild,including the final one. :sick:


I thought I'll need at least 6 months of playing to master some magic and THEN to go on the guild challenges.It should have been that way,it's a mage guild,people are learning the craft there for ages and all that.

It turned out that it's playable with a pure,brute force.So I remember being a Warlock,and I couldn't cast a snowball 3 times in a raw without my magicka going on 0.What was the result?I became an arch-mage,with daedric warhammer in my hands,and a title to brag with.The point is,you are an errant-boy there too,and you can become a head of the most respected university in the whole Tamriel,even if an imp knows more magic then you do.

Not to mention my great disappointment ,when I faced the King Of Worms.

What the hell happened there?I thought I am going to face an 'old powerful necromancer',a terror bringer.Instead of that,I faced a King Of Peasantry,mouthful and promising,yet,weaker then Puny Ancus.Unoriginal and predictive. :no:



The whole Thieves Guild quest.Along with the Thieves Guild members.Except the last quest,because I love the Ayleids,and going through 'The Old Way',made me to jump from the chair,when I saw the ancient guardians alive.The only place and one single moment,where you really faced something 'ancient',something legendary,and the feeling I had was legendary as well.

I hate the Gray Fox,because he tricked the player and send him out for errant(again being an errant boy) for his own goals.Without being thankful and smarter,he gives you that ugly cowl,arrogantly saying 'goodbye' to you and congratulating for being a new leader.That's why I killed him,immediately,even I am not an evil character,never been.But he deserved a claymore up to his Sideways Cave. :thumbsup:



In fact,more then half of the quests in every guild are tutorials indeed,for the player to see,how it is when you cast a spell,how it goes when you're in a sneak mode,pickpocketing,lockpicking,dungeon crawling etc.


I found 80 % of the quests not being challenging at all.Completelack of ideas,copying some famous novels and movie quote,etc..Though,many of those has a really interesting plots,and had potential to be epic,but,you know, 'HAD',since Bethesda didn't care enough,I suppose.


But I feel bad when I trash Oblivion somehow,because it is overall a great game,not now,when we see all the flaws and when it showed it's age,but back then,when it came out,it really gave more choice for the player then any other game.This is the first game where you could live another life for real,it moved the borders in the game world,and that's why I will stay faithful to the series forever. :thumbsup:


I say,may Akatosh bless the mods and tesnexus. Without it,I doubt that I would bother with Oblivion this much,after all these years.


I really hope that Bethesda will make a game of the millenium with their next sequel of The Elder Scrolls.And I really hope that they saw all of this creations that people made and took the best of it for expanding their development to the maximum. :yes:

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Mage's Guild hands down. All of the quests were easy and quick. Nothing like I expected. Glad I saved them for last. In fact I haven't even finished it yet. Dark Brotherhood could have had a better ending and continuation. I hate any quest where you have to escort somebody, anyplace. They walk slow, are prone to getting killed easily and just cramp my style, lol :cool:
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Sorry for bad english...


Oh yeah, King of Worms was my biggest dissapointment, so I turned on Construction Set and gave him 100 levels. :biggrin:


Pale Pass too, like megatarius said, supposed to be legendary quest, but instead, it was just another dungeon exploring. Reward too, daedric boots are more valuable.


Also, i hate quest in Thieves Guild, where you must save that argonian guy from Pale Lady, and where you can find job in Skingrad. You become (don't know exact name of the job) errant for Skingrad Guard and everyone are humiliating you, even if you are Champion. :verymad: And you can't quit, wth ??!!


I hate the quest where I need to follow Modryn Oreyn in Arpenia.He walks damn slow and it's just a tutorial to see how the traps are working inside,I guess.And Modryn took a chance to show his 'guild champion' skill,giving some merciless beatings to the rats and mudcrabs with a morning star,then,whoa,the real bad guys aren't even there.Then you become an errant-boy again,doing the real work while 'the champion' and the rest of the 'tough guild mercs' are practicing their skills which they never use and having ridiculous conversations in the warmth of the guild.Boring and pointless.


I agree, completely! :rolleyes: He just walks, walks and walks!! And never stops, never !

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I had this feeling after I finished most of the quests, that I'm not done with them. I mean they end things in a wierd way. After you become grandmaster of the guild there is nothing for you to do there. What if I wanted to change something, like recruiting new members, expelling old ones, take all my guild members on a mission I had to help me find some ancient artifact the guild would benefit from? It's just lame, so are the rewards you get. Very few unique items, npcs that have unique dialogue. The game just gets boring after you finish the quests. There's nothing in vanilla Oblivion that you can still do after you finish the quests, except for exploring dungeons and ruins and most look the same. I'd like to be able to have some other activities. I'll end my rant here now. :sweat:
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Most of the Mages Guild Quests, I felt like I was risking my neck a lot of the time and got hardly any reward...then with the likes of the Thieves Guild you do something minor and the rewards are awesome. So I don't like the Mages Guild Quests, the Bruma 'Pale Pass' quest, 'Garridan's Tears' and 'Ultimate Heist' (sometimes, only because it can be buggy). I love all the Shivering Isles quests, the Main Quest (though I wish it was longer) Dark Brotherhood Quests and Thieves Guild.
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:verymad: I thought hackdirt could have had more to offer. You never even find out who the real "deep ones" are. All you find are a bunch of half naked crazy people in the cavern below town and it becomes a simple hack-n-slash your way to freedom. There's nothing truly sinister lurking there at all...


I also agree that most of the guild quests were too easy, and the magic green arrow made them just too simple. What difficulty levels did everyone have the game set on, though. Maybe I'll play it again on the hardest level

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I found even on max difficulty that the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quests where too easy, but they're not the ones that bugged me. Mages Guild was hard before I upped the difficulty to max, after that I hated it even more. XD
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