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Book title letter not showing


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You know those big fancy smancy letters at the beginning of each book? (would show but have no knowledge of how to upload) Basically they aint showing up. I tried reinstalling but apparently the game was having none of that and promptly did absolutely nothing to fix the problem. Any help would be appreciated.
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A load order list might help matey.


And remember, some books don't have the big fancy-smancy titles. There are a couple in vanilla obi that don't, and loads in mods. You'll also have some entertainment if you used the "Darnify Books" option in wrye bash without the a version of the Darn UI installed.



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A load order list might help matey.


And remember, some books don't have the big fancy-smancy titles. There are a couple in vanilla obi that don't, and loads in mods. You'll also have some entertainment if you used the "Darnify Books" option in wrye bash without the a version of the Darn UI installed.




Load order list? How do I accomplish this.

I know that not all books in van. have big fancy smancy lettering but I was just going through the Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes part of the MQ again and that can really ruin the whole 'riddle solving' thing.

I don't understand what 'Darnifying' is. Please explain.


Thanks for the help by the way.

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A load order can be obtained by using a popular program like Oblivion Mod Manager (also known as OBMM). If you install and launch that, you will see a list of .esp and .esm files (from mods, vanilla oblivion and official DLCs) on the left hand side of the screen. The order in which they run from top to bottom is the 'load order'. Top ones are loaded first, bottom ones are loaded last. To solve most mod conflicting errors one usually adjust the load order (which can easily be done in OBMM). If you write out the order, someone here might be able to guess what's causing the problem.


If you don't use a popular program called Wrye Bash then you can ignore the following:


Jenrai is referring to an option in Wrye Bash that changes the books in vanilla to match a popular user interface mod called 'DarNified UI'. I don't use Wrye Bash but I would assume it changes the books to look for the 'fancy letters' in another place (probably a certain folder of DarNified UI mod). It then fails to find anything (because you may not have DarNified UI installed) and hence displays nothing ingame.


I guess the probable solution would be to install DarNified UI (it's a 100% must have anyway).


Otherwise I'm not quite sure what's going on.

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Just downloaded Oblivion Mod Manager, and I see what you mean by load order. The thing is a mess. I'll try sorting it out and getting it into something vaguely acceptable. I'll only use the Darnified UI if I have to as I do prefer the vanilla interfaces.
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