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European Union


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IMO, i do not like the EU. They hate Britain. They think we're evil and need to be removed from the Earth.

Granted, I myself do not view French as nice people, but I still do not want Genocide. Nor do i even say I hate french people. I simply dislike the ones who hate us.

The EU simply wants a european country. No independance. No other countries.


And besides, the EU is patheticly weak. They declared war on Russia. Technically, Georgia was supported by the EU in the S.Ossetian invasion, so doesn't that make the EU at war with Russia? (never a good idea btw)

Because S.Ossetia wasn't exactly "re-taking" it was "bombing innocent civillians".


Erm, back to the EU...What more can I say? they simply are Imperialist/Nationalist, thinking the EU comes first, everyone else dies.

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