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Transition quotes as you Grow?


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Hey guys.


Every time I make a new LW I try to make out what is said during the white outs as you age. The Vault wiki has the ones from your birth to Baby Steps. But no one has uploaded what is said as you age from toddler to child, then child to teen, nor teen to present Wanderer.


The ones from the initial transition are pretty interesting and actually made me look more fondly on James. I always found our interactiosn with him to be a bit lacking and him leaving you behind for safety as a 'thin' excuse. Now I understand it a bit more from the conversations.


(copied from the Vault wiki)


* I'm sorry, Madison. I am. But what choice do I have?- Dad

* I thought I knew you... I trusted you! We all did! How can you be so selfish? -- Doctor Li

* Selfish? This is my child we're talking about, Madison! My child! -- Dad


* It's you and me, now, okay? You and me. But that's okay. So long as we've got each other, that's all that matters. -- Dad


* No, no, put that away. This one's on the house. And now a toast. To James and his cheery cherub. May your future be safe, bright, and boring as hell.-- Colin Moriarty


* Shh... You're safe now. No more monsters. No more nightmares. Shh... That's it. Daddy's got you… -- Dad


* Yes, yes. Cardiology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry. Whatever your needs. You'll find I can handle, well… I can handle just about anything. -- Dad

* All right. Just remember one thing. We need a doctor, not a deadbeat. Fail to meet my expectations, and there will be repercussions. -- Overseer


* Not so bad, huh? A bit chilly maybe, but we'll get used to that. A few decorations, some donated toys, and this place will feel just like home. Home… -- Dad


* Hmmmm... Good? Huh, is that good? Here you go... No... Not too fast. That's it. That's it. Everything on the spoon. Come on, you can do it. -- Dad


Man, i'm going to have an even bigger jump in my throat than usual next time I go through the Purifier scene. Gulp.


Alos sheds Moriarty in a more friendly light. I always use the mod that makes him evil (so he can be killed without reprisal) but I may ahve to rethink that.


Anyone have the transcripts for what is said during the other age transitions?

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Now I feel like a %&$! for popping Moriarty's head like a boil.


I guess he really isn't that bad overall. Especially considering the world they live in. Side note, if you can do him in with one successful sneak attack, no one gets mad at you for it.

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Well, one moment of kindness doesn't make up for being an utterly cruel and vindictive git. But yeah, definatly showed that he does have a somewhat nicer side. Or did, 18 years before the game...


I'd still like to know whats said in the other age transitions. Tempted to find them myself. If I downloaded the G.E.C.K things modders use would they be pretty simple to track down?

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I wonder, if the first sentences of the following dialogue are really directed at the playercharacter

or if Daddy has found himself a substitute for mum (see full text in original post(t:


DAD: * Hmmmm... Good? Huh, is that good? Here you go... No... Not too fast. That's it. That's it."


Haha :woot:

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It's a pleasure. I'm Jonas. Um... I guess... I'm your new assistant. - Jonas

It's okay! It's okay, see? Just a little cut. Good thing your daddy's a doctor, huh? I know just the right kind of kiss to make it better…- Dad

Ahh, it's my stupid ankle, doc. Sprained, broken, I don't know. Slipped on some grease in one of the maintenance tunnels. - Allen Mack

Your mommy? Oh, sweetie... I... Of course I miss her. I miss her... so much. Each day more than the last. - Dad

You are to mend broken bones, prescribe medications, and see to the health of my residents. These "experiments" are a waste of time! - Overseer

Don't be a damned fool! We know nothing of the viruses or bacteria that survive down here! We experiment to prepare. We prepare to survive. - Dad

What's the matter, teacher's pet? Gonna cry? Awww... Waaahh! Go run home to daddy. - Butch

No, but close. Not 45, 55. You've got to carry the 1, right? So you put the 5 there… and the one goes over there. See? Easy. - Dad

Yes, and Amata can come over after you clean your room! Now move! This place is disgusting. - Dad

What is their problem, anyway? So I'm the Overseer's daughter? So what? Like I get any kind of special treatment! At least… at least I've got you. - Amata

Ah. Well... Umm. You'd think being a doctor would make this easy... - Dad

Boys and girls have different parts. Right? And when a boy and a girl love each other… - Dad

That was amazing, sport! Four strike outs in a row! I'll tell ya doc, I think we're looking at the new Vault 101 MVP! - Jonas

Revelation, 21:6. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. - Dad

Come on, doc. Just one more month, that's all I'm asking for. Without those pills, I… I just don't know what I'll do. Please, I'm begging you. - Allen Mack

It's time for you to go home. Tell your father I want to see him in my office first thing in the morning. Amata, I want to talk to you. Now. - Overseer

No, Mister DeLoria, that is not correct. The Battle of Hastings was 1066. 2077 was the end of the world. Tell me. Are you really that stupid? - Mr. Brotch

Stop fussing! You look great! Now go! You want to be late for you own prom? - Dad

Don't give me that! You were drunk! All of you! What if I hadn't walked in? Hmm? Did you think about that? What if the Overseer found you first? - Dad

There's nothing out there. Just... Horror. Pain. Grief. You have a good life in this vault. You shouldn't think about such awful things. - Beatrice

Well that's my job, isn't it? To turn you into a grown-up? Make sure you're ready to handle adult life here in the vault? You're not a kid anymore. - Dad

Here are those results you wanted, doc. From the, um... secondary experiment? - Jonas

Oh my God. Please, doctor. Please! I know you have stuff here. Drugs! You have to fix this! My God, I can't be pregnant… - Pepper Gomez

Ha ha! Look at that! What'd I tell you, huh? Work hard enough, and anything is possible. Even an "A" from Mister Brotch! Ha ha ha ha ha! - Dad

Yeah? Well daddy doctor ain't here to save you now, is he? So what you gonna do now, huh? What you gonna do? - Butch

What are you looking at? Stop gawking and get back to work. Selfish and insubordinate, just like your father… - Oversser

Look, it's just... You need to know these things. I'm not going to be around to hold your hand forever... - Dad



Thats all of them that weren't included in your earlier post.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, thanks, thats some REALLY interesting stuff.



"It's time for you to go home. Tell your father I want to see him in my office first thing in the morning. Amata, I want to talk to you. Now." - Overseer


Odd. Wonder what was happening here, if anything. I suppose it's left open, so if you a female the Overseer could just be telling you to leave, but also the implication that a male character and Amata could have been up to something. Though; which transition is this? I may be reading too much into things.



"Don't give me that! You were drunk! All of you! What if I hadn't walked in? Hmm? Did you think about that? What if the Overseer found you first?" - Dad


lol, wut? Sounds like the 'kids of 101' got access to booze during the prom. Why do I have the strange feeling Butch provided it?



"Don't be a damned fool! We know nothing of the viruses or bacteria that survive down here! We experiment to prepare. We prepare to survive." - Dad


Wow, knew Dad had some fire in him, even if we never saw it first hand.



"Yeah? Well daddy doctor ain't here to save you now, is he? So what you gonna do now, huh? What you gonna do?" - Butch


Which transition is this from. Butch seems to have calmed down a lot by his late teens.



Either way thats all some really interesting stuff that adds a lot of meat tot he Vault begginings of the game. It also makes some perks, like Little Leaguer, 'canon' if you play by the storyline. Pepper Gomez and Allen MAck's commest are pretty cool too.


Think I'll save all these to a notepad for future fanfiction reference.


Thanks again for getting the rest.

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