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Touc... played for the very first time.


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Hey folks,


i know, i am really late to experience the fallout-universe, but, nevertheless, i do. For the moment i am done with Fallout 3 and now want to look after New Vegas.


Point is: There are, literally, a tons of mods for it. I played F3 without any modifications. And even before looking after any kind of mod, quite often ingame the thought of "damn, that's all?" came to me.

Now i am not so sure how to start the first game experience (which is just the best). Vanilla -with off. DLC or with some modifications which seem nice to have from the look of it.



And beside mods, there is another thing: The official Additions. In F3, the activation of Broken Steel, f.e., throwed Mutant-Overlord as Bosses in many low level places (outfitted with a tri-beamlaser...)

Are there this kinda "issues" with New Vegas and each AddOn?


I'd be really thankful for your help, as to improve the first and never-to-reach-again experience of the first play-through (which is never really through at all^^)

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A bug-fix-mod would be a pretty high priority if you want a first playthrough that's actually enjoyable. There are many and I'm currently using Littlepips which seems pretty nicely done. From there it goes to your preferences but search Top-Files (by endorsements and by unique downloads) is your friend.


There are some Game-play mods I personally won't do without, No-Weapons-Degredation, Centered-3rd-Person-Camera etc. And there are others I'd highly recommend like High-Desert-Tactical with it's Fractions-use extension


There are many beautifully modelled firearms like this Ruger if guns are your thing and some awesome extensions like World of Pain And Warzones though you may want to leave them for later.



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From my experience the game doesn't really want for lots of cool or unique weapons and armor, especially if you count DLC. For me some things are "too secret" like the triggers for most of the compabion quests. It seems like you are really only supposed to have one or two followers throughout the game. Not to say you cant go back and look up the triggers, but if you want to experience the world organically you better stick with one.


Also, while there is an abundance of gameplay in the main story, sidequests are few and far between soon after, not to say they aren't there but unless you follow the old rpg tactic of going back and talking to every NPC after every main event, you are going to be spending a lot of time on the wiki.


As far as mods, i would say to start off get a bug fix mod and/or a stabilizing mod to minimize the inevitable crash. Nothing ruins immersion like barely scraping through a suprise attack or event and crash 5 minutes later and have to slog though it all again.


Cosmetically i would say any race/ character overhaul that makes your characters look human, Gopher uses a nice one in his playthrough but i cant seem to find it in his load order, its subtle but makes all the talking you do less of a cringefest. The T6M armor replacer is a nice female body and armor replacer that gets rid of those god-awful shoulders. There are other options to give your breasts their own physics and you can take that avenue pretty far on this site and others, but I'm a minimalist.


Later in the game is when i suggest loading a quest mod or two as your options tend to dry up.


Unless you are patient I would take it easy on mods that require NVSE if at all. After countless Oblivion re-installs and corrupted saves, i swore I didnt need it for new vegas and did pretty well without it. Then some jerk decided to make a mod that allowed you to pilot a mech and i had to download it. To be fair I havent had to reinstall but the amount of glitches and CTDs has increased noticeably.


These are my thoughts on how I mod, hopefully sone of it helps. To be honest I usually just play vanilla until I run into something I dont like (those *shoulders* you guys!) And then pop in the Nexus because usually someone has already fixed it.

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Thank the both of you for your points of view :)


Personally i am not that into all these weapon-mods. And with an off. "Gun" DLC, it should be plenty to start. I decided to go with the Flora and Charackter Overhaul. Also i went with Project Nevada, for the Balance-Issues known from F3.




But i'd like to get again to the DLC: Are all of them "seperated" like Anchorage/Pitt/Point Lookout from F3, or do the integrate to the Main-Playline like Broken Steel.Since every DLC raises the lvl cap +5 it's rather hard to tell for now.

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