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looking for a decent water mod...


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I posted this in response in another sub-forum but I got to thinking maybe it needed to be here...


I've looked at W.A.T.E.R, Pure Waters and Realistic Waters 2. None of them really improve all that much on the Vanilla game.


I've fished for years in mountain rivers and streams. I can "read" water...tell you where sunken boulders are and where the fish will lie. I'm not sure that the people who write mods for water have really looked at fast flowing water.


For instance, in every one of the above mods, there is no "pile-up" of water in front of boulders...as there should be...no wake at the sides, no slick behind. As there should be.


Almost as important is that there is no line of detritus where the water meets the shore. Friction slows water, and material caught at the edges tends to get hung up on the gravel or sand. I hate the way every single one of these mods makes the water sort of disappear onto the land. It's not real or immersive. In fact, it's kind of disturbing.


I can't "read" the water in Skyrim and I think most water mods make it worse.


Is the bottom of the river smooth? Most of the mods make it seem so. If there were sunken boulders, or even just larger rocks you'd see signs of them in the current and on the surface. You'd see it in the way the water behaved as it flowed over and past them. Running water is slowed and pushed up as it runs over these obstacles. It often creates moving or transitory "windowpanes." And, again, it slows as it get nearer the bank.


Where are the "tail-outs" in these rivers--Vanilla or modded? Where are the "seams"? Where are the eddies and whirlpools and "frog water" that occurs even in brawling streams?


More foam and more transparency is not...not, not, not...the answer.

Edited by MacSuibhne
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Why don't you give the authors of the water mods your suggestions on how to improve them?


Well, I kind of hoped I was with this thread.


But I guess I don't know how to give them my suggestions directly...and, truth to tell who am I to be telling them how to make mods? I've never made a mod in my life. Maybe some of what I'm talking about can't be done...I dunno.

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Like this! Be amazing to have an actual fishing mod as well! How dare Beth add fishing rods and not let us take up arms against the Salmon returning to skyrim with The Worm Eater! So speaketh the Fishborn!

Edited by DaemonGrin
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